just finished 12 week cycle eq and sust 250. started the sust 4 weeks after the the eq. i was done with the eq 14 days before i finished with sust. the sust doseage was at 1 cc 2x/week. eq was 375/week. given that the eq ended 14 days before last sust injection... what is your advice on pct. i have liquis clomid and liquis tamox on hand. not to long after last injection of sust, i began feeling lathargic, somewhat depressed and slow, and nips started to feel sensitive. i followed former advice and immidiately began 40 ed of the liquid tamox to counter the possible gyno. i have had flu like symptoms since the tamox i began 3 nights ago. i have not touched the clomid. the original plan was to start both clomis and tamox 14-18 days after last sust pin. what is your opinion on continuing the pct? is the tamox to high a dose?

mid 30's
was first cycle
160 lbs
low bf