Hello everyone,

I am a new member to the forum, but have been an avid reader to the websites posts. my stats are: 5"8', 172lbs, 7% body fat, and i am 24 years old. I am currently in the process of purchasing a test-E and deca cycle and would appreciate some critique from more knowledgable members.

Week1-10: deca 250mg twice a week
Week1-12: test 300 mg twice a week

I have researched that it is a good idea to run a AI such as arimadex during the cycle to help combat the gyno (which i am susceptible to). This is where it gets a bit confusing for me.During my research i have heard to take anywhere from 250 iu up to 500 iu, and to take it the expanse of the cycle. this is where i need some help plz. on the dosage and how long to run it.

My pct consists of:
clomid and nolva, but in some threads i have read that nolva can be counter productive when mixed whith deca.

And i also want to know if i should run hcg during my pct?

I have ran 3 previous cycles, which were basic test cypianate cycles. i recently decided to bump up to a stack, but know that before even starting it is crucial to have everything necessary to run an adequate cycle, i know how much it pisses of the veterans when people start the cycle then ask for help half way through lol! mainly the dosages for my pct are what i really need help on. Thanks guys and proud to be a member!!