First off, I am a new member, and the information is extremely helpful.

I started lifting again at 49 (currently 51) after 1 year of lifting had complete bloodwork and test showed 271 on levels. Doctor started me 2 week cycle of cypionate (200) for 10 weeks and blood work showed 801. moved me to three week cycle which had me crashing hard between cycle , after 10 weeks test showed 455. After that he agreed to move me to 17 day cycle , which i felt was still to far apart. after 10 weeks I moved over to my primary doctor. and ask his opinion (he is about 60) as a friend had recommened this other doctor. He wrote a prescrip. and put me on the a 2 week cycle and said he would check complete blook work in 6 months. I have not cycled off since starting in Dec of 2010. I would like to cycle off, and have tried to infor myself as what to do. My doctor does not know anything about this as I have ask him. My gym owner has been on the stuff for years and is a serious lifting at 35, although, he only does one dose a week now of 200.

I also understand that I would be better off with smaller doses more frequent but, I still researching this. I was wondering if I should even cycle off, and if I should, just take some tribilus at the start of my last cycle for about 4 weeks. This is what a couple of friends think, as they say it is just a small maint. dose. One thing for sure there are some serious knowledge on the site. I would appreciate any help.
