Simple enough question, I guess - but not easy to find an educated answer.
Browsing the forums gives me so many different answers it's not easy to know what's the best one.

Basically, I am planning my first cycle, with 500mg Test-E weekly and some dbol to kickstart it.
I am 34 years old, and before starting lifting weights a few years back I have been doing martial arts for 15 years, and I am in very good health. My original plan was Test-P and Anavar , but my supplier came with Test-E and dbol as the only available product for now. I also had requested some Nolva, but I was supplied with Letro, and an assurance it was way more effective. Not wanting to just take any one persons word for it I hit the web for answers.

People on the forums say either
1) Letro is way too strong and you only want to have it in case of gyno
2) Letro is fine, use it as PCT [various doses mentioned]
3) Use Letro during your cycle and you'll have no problems with anything in the world

I would love to hear more opinions on the "Letro only" solution.
Appreciate any advice!