So I am just wondering what to expect I have 2 weeks left of test and var been 22 weeks on and then i start my pct 14 days after my last shot. My PCT is Novla and Clomid an AI and tribulus, while on i have not gained much weight but have lost allot of bf and while the scale doesn't show me anything the mirror and my clothes do.

Also how long before my balls come back to normal I have heard a couple weeks.

My body is hard every muscle is constantly pumped even on days off everything is like a rock I look like a freak I can not believe the transformation my body has taken while running this cycle and how great I look and feel and I still have 2 weeks left or 4 before PCT.

How should I train during PCT should I go lighter more reps , stay heavy and not change anything any advice on the workout routine right now 5 days a week 2 hours a day half cardio / weights.

I know I am holding some water and once I stop I am supposed to lose some gains and drop allot of water weight what can i expect to see I am clueless as what to expect once off this cycle, what I will lose and what I will keep. I am here to ask some of the professionals their opinion or get their feedback.

So how much weight will I lose and how fast will it come off its obviously not gonna come off over night but its gonna come off not to sound repetitive what can I expect to lose 5-10lbs and continue to slim down as I stay on my routine ? Will I keep my motivation and Drive or will i get lazy and lethargic thanks for reading and taking the time to answer.

I know there are some big guys that are on allot of gear and will try and belittle and be mean and arrogant instead of just answering my question honestly please try and keep it professional and leave your ego's out of the post please just be respectful. I'm here to ask advice and get some feedback , I'm not taking an HCG and do not plan on it I have what I have and that what I am gonna use. Feedback is so appreciated and thank you