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  1. #1
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    Question 20 Weeks on Last Shot Today PCT Novla and Clomid Dosage Help Please?? Also Clen ?

    Just looking on what to run for my Dosage in 14 Days :

    Clomid :

    Novla :

    HCG ? No clue where to get it . Are HCG drops effective as shots ?

    How long before my body gets back to normal, id prefer to stay on HRT I don't want to stop little bit of anxiety over my cycle being over!

    Let me know if you need more info on my cycle .......

    How much water weight will I lose and where will it come from ? I am assuming I am going to slim down a little ?

    Do you Recommend taking Clenbuterol ?
    Last edited by CuriousGuy; 03-24-2012 at 01:45 AM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Why did you do a 20 wk cycle, you do know recovery is going to be hard.
    What's the cycle?
    And I don't understand your comment in hrt, are you on hrt because if you are you don't do pct.

    What are your stats?
    How many cycles have you done

  3. #3
    CuriousGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Why did you do a 20 wk cycle, you do know recovery is going to be hard.
    What's the cycle?
    And I don't understand your comment in hrt, are you on hrt because if you are you don't do pct.

    What are your stats?
    How many cycles have you done
    So when I started my first vial of test forum members advised I should do 2 vials and this is my second cycle meaning I ran a cycle 4 years ago and I did the same last time except it was cyp not ethanate.

    This Cycle was:

    HGH Somtrophin 4 months 2iu a day 5 days a week
    Test Ethanate 2 vials 10ml Vial 300mg/ml Last shot today 1 shot a week
    Anavar 50mg a day 50 Days running now with the test have 3 weeks left of var

    38yrs Old
    220 lbs
    15% BF

    Ill recover I have most of what I need and will get more if I have to

    Novla : Dosage
    Clomid : Dosage
    Vitamin C

    I am not on HRT , I said I am stressed I am done with my test and will be starting my PCT and I would love to be on HRT permanently but I am not and would rather wait till I am in my late 40's early 50's and get on HRT.

    I am just anxious that I have spent so much money and worked out so hard and i feel so good and am committed and dedicated to being healthy and staying young and strong now that I am done with the Test i just want my body to recover , I want to have another child so I need to cycle off and get my hormone levels back to normal and the roids out of my system. I dont want to get weak and flabby . I do want to drop to 180lbs!

    Clenbuterol thoughts ??

    You need any other info ?
    Last edited by CuriousGuy; 03-24-2012 at 03:09 AM.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You shouldn't of ran a 20 week cycle on your 2nd cycle, you don't need no more than 12 weeks, you should of done more research and educated yourself more. Recovery will be hard and will not be easy IMHO.

    You also didn't take precautions of using hcg on your long cycle, maintaining testicular size and function while being shut down for so long is a must IMHO.

    You also should have all your pct sorted before the cycle starts, check out the pct section and read the stickies for more info and pct protocols. A standard pct would be nolva 40/20/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50 but in your case I'd run it another week.

    You could run hcg now for the 2 wks leading up to pct but you don't have it which also indicates a harsher recovery.

    I cant stress enough that you should have all your cycle and pct set out before the cycle starts and you should have done enough research to know that the cycle your doing is the correct one for you. You may have been told you didn't have enough gear for a cycle but that doesn't mean you have to use all the 2 bottles worth.

    Increase your calories during pct,

    whats gains did you experience with this cycle?

  5. #5
    CuriousGuy's Avatar
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    Allot of Mass and strength !
    Loss of Fat and I gained Solid Hard Muscle my skin feels like its stretching 24/7 everything is tight and I look Big I didn't gain any weight I maintained my 220lbs but dumped allot of fat and put on solid muscle my body looks the best it has at this weight in the past 2 years trunk fat is virtually gone.

    I did all my research before just never was suggested HCG until later on and I was still told I could get along without it my last cycle 4 years ago I didn't have any PCT and I rebounded just fine this time I have allot of stuff, I cant get HCG I can find drops i can have them here in 3 days are they the same as the injections I can start them 1 week prior to my PCT?

    I am the kind of guy who will sit here for hours and hours and hours reading about what I am doing to understand everything that's going on with my body But I am not a know it all, I will post and ask questions and learn from everyone I speak to and thank you for commenting and giving me your opinion I really appreciate the time to stop by and write. Is it to late for HCG Drops?

    I have 25mg Novla Tablets and liguid clomi what about the Clen question I asked you would running Clen PCT be of benefit to me.

    My nuts are not that small at times they get small after the gym and mostly when I have to take a shit but thats normal haha..... My sex drive has not changed since i started im figuring its going to decrease a little bit but ill pop viagra if I have to or just stick to the natty sups stay active and in the gym and hope for a speedy recovery from my body and If I need to go to GNC and grab something natural T-Bomb or anything that may help after PCT to boot T levels Ill buy that and do it too.

    On my pct is that 7 Days a week for 30 days or until I have nothing left to take ?

    Thanks again mad love and appreciation!

    Honestly I did not want to stop taking the test at all but as I said above the reason why is child number 2 I feel great on the test ...
    Last edited by CuriousGuy; 03-24-2012 at 11:24 PM. Reason: Added something

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  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Well done on your gains,

    I don't think you didn't enough research because if you did you would of not done a 20 wk cycle for your 2nd cycle and you would of got hcg . Like ive stated before your recovery will be hard which will hot your gains IMHO.

    HCG drops wont do you need injection hcg and you need to start it 2 wks before pct, with the sounds of it your bnot going to be able to do this so again recovery is going to be harsh which will hit your gains.

    You sex drive wouldn't of not decreased because your taking test, it should of increased if any.

    Your natural testosterone will be shut down without a doubt and you will probably have some kind of libido issues during pct,

    I cant express enough that research is a must,

    Clen will be of benefit in pct, go with 2 wks on 2 wks off protocol. It will help keeping you anabolic at this precious time.

    A standard pct would be nolva 40/20/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50 but in your case I'd run it another week,

    I would also get a blood test done after about 6-8 weeks after your pct ends, just see what your levels are like.

    Increase your cals during pct

    best of luck.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Well done on your gains,

    I don't think you didn't enough research because if you did you would of not done a 20 wk cycle for your 2nd cycle and you would of got hcg . Like ive stated before your recovery will be hard which will hot your gains IMHO.

    HCG drops wont do you need injection hcg and you need to start it 2 wks before pct, with the sounds of it your bnot going to be able to do this so again recovery is going to be harsh which will hit your gains.

    You sex drive wouldn't of not decreased because your taking test, it should of increased if any.

    Your natural testosterone will be shut down without a doubt and you will probably have some kind of libido issues during pct,

    I cant express enough that research is a must,

    Clen will be of benefit in pct, go with 2 wks on 2 wks off protocol. It will help keeping you anabolic at this precious time.

    A standard pct would be nolva 40/20/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50 but in your case I'd run it another week,

    I would also get a blood test done after about 6-8 weeks after your pct ends, just see what your levels are like.

    Increase your cals during pct

    best of luck.
    Thank you on the gains its been hard work and dedication at the gym and alot of cardio and super intense workouts but its paid off large!!

    Will I lose my gains ?????????????? This is what I am worried about .... I dont see how this is possible muscle is muscle and training and diet is training and diet , I hope I dont lose alot i will really be depressed I spent alot of money on this and for what to lose it all ?

    I didnt do enough research but I did allot , and I was just following my last cycle , but I am determined and I am sure everyone is different on how they recover IMHO so I will hope for the best.

    Do you recommend anything like T-Bomb or any natty test booster ? I just ordered Clen from AR so I will have that too running PCT what dosage should I run the Clen at my first time on it.

    Is the Nov and Clomi run 7 Days a week ? Can I take them at the Same time?

    I had blood done prior to my cycle Ill go in like you suggested , Doc knows what I am on. Im gonna keep the intensity up until I am done with my PCT in the Gym and I will definitely increase my Calories, I am looking to slim down and Cut up a little bit as well.

    Thanks for all the advice and feedback man really I do appreciate it , you got me running scared a little bit with no positive reinfor***ent or light at the end of the tunnel and what does HARSH mean exactly?

    I am trying to read between the lines and keep a positive outlook.

    This shit is just as expensive off cycle pCT as on Cycle lol and there is so much of it !! My kitchen looks like a ****ing pharmacy !!

    Thanks again!!
    Last edited by CuriousGuy; 03-25-2012 at 04:12 AM. Reason: Added more

  10. #10
    CuriousGuy's Avatar
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    Looking for clen dosage ?

    Nov and Clomid can I run at the same time and do I run 7 days a week?

    Natural Test Booster?

  11. #11
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    found my answer , jst wondering about the test?

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Start clen at 20mcgs and work up daily until you feel the sides, use the 2 wks on 2 wks off protocol IMHO,

    nolva/clomid is 7 days per week and I would go with 5 weeks not 4 seeing that you have been on for 20 weeks,

    test booster wont do much but you can try it,

    Harsh means your going to find it hard to recover because you have done a 20 wks cycle on your 2nd when 20 wks wasnt needed. I cant express enough to do research before cycling. You shouldnt listen to who ever told you to do that ever again stay well clear.

    You should also have your pct all planned out before the cycle starts, again do research and have the cycle and pct ready and you know what your doing.

    Best of luck in recovery,

  13. #13
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    Thank you !!!

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