Planning on starting my first cycle, my source told me to take 5 tabs a day of the test enth untill the bottle was gone, each tab is 10mg at 5 tabs a day, 50 mgs a day, so 350 mg per week and the bottle has 200 tabs good beginner dose? then i was told the second the enth bottle was empty begin taking 1 tab a day of clomid every day , bottle i have is 50 mg per tab and 60 tabs but he only told me to take it for 30 days, so half the bottle. and if i get itchy nipples or start getting soft around the chest during the cycle start the clomid early with two tabs untill symptoms subside then bring it down to one tab a day untill enth bottle is empty and follow through at one tab a day untill i am 30 day past finishing the enth bottle. would this be okay for pct or would i need more? do i really need any more of a pct, and dose this all sound correct?