hey guys I'm starting a cycle in 2 weeks and I'm using test c instead of my usual test E. I'm running test c 12wks at 600/wk and winnie wk 9-12 @ 50mg/day. i always use hcg throughout but i know test c's half life is a few days longer so what I'm asking is when should i start/stop the hcg and start pct? ill be using 250iu 2x/wk on cycle. I'm also running adex though out the cycle, when should i start/stop that too? I'm only asking because I'm getting a lot of conflicting information on my searches and from some buddies of mine. also when should i start hcg/adex use? first day or 14 days into cycle?

pct: torem/ nolva (4 or 6 wks)

24 yr old

cycles: test e, winnie, deca , dbol
goal: drop to 10%bf and gain 10lbs (realistically will settle for just the bf drop and maintain weigh)