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  1. #1
    mrcalifornia is offline New Member
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    7 can i do healthier for my 3rd "dbol-only" cycle this year? new to pct

    Hi. Thanks, bros, in advance, for your constructive advice. Please don't be too rough with me--I apologize for my lack of experience. After all, we're all after the same good things here.

    I'll be doing my 3rd cycle this year on July 1, 2012 (next week). I've been doing 6 weeks on 4 weeks off. This is how my cycle has been this year (2012):

    Cycle 1: d-bol (danabol): 30 mgs/day for 6 weeks, off for 4 wks. (no pct)
    Cycle 2: dbol 30-40 mgs/day for 8 wks off for 5 weeks (no pct)
    Cycle 3: Projected cycle 3 plan (to start July 1, 2012; next wk): dbol 50 mgs/day for 8 weeks, then 4 weeks off.

    I recently was concerned about gyno after seeing a photo, so after learning how to avoid gyno, I came across the importance of pct. Before then, I thought pct's were optional. However, I know the importance of milk thistle & liver protectant-will be taking Himalayan brand LivPro.52, 1 per day for 3rd cycle & m thistle.

    Now I've recently ordered for my upcoming 3rd cycle: Nolvadex 30 tabs x 20 mgs. I intend to use it for my 3rd cycle which will be one (1) 20 mg pill of Nolvadex for 21 days (3wks) after my 3rd cycle is over (during that 4 week rest/off period).

    The info. out there that's selling it suggests more & extended dosage. Here's what they suggest:
    Men 20-40 mg/day for 2-3 weeks (Post Cycle Therapy ). Heavy cycles 40-60 mg/day for 3 weeks (Post Cycle Therapy). Heavy androgenic cycles 10-20 mg/day (use throughout steroid cycle).

    At 50 mgs of dbol per day for 8 weeks, I believe I am def taking a heavy androgenic cycle. But, Nolvadex is extremely expensive, I simply being on a tight budget can't afford the heavy androgenic cycle suggested dosage which is 10-20 mg's/day throughout the cycle. I'd have to take 20 mgs/day for 56 days (8 week cycle x 7 days per week = 56 days).

    But, I can afford to take 10 mgs/day of Nolvadex throughout those 56 days if I break the 20 mg pills in half so that they're 10 mgs. I have a 30 days supply of 20 mgs coming my way in the mail so if I break those 20 mg pills in half I will have 10 mgs a 60 day supply of 10 mgs/day--the minimum suggested dosage as I showed above that the info. from the company selling them suggests. Then I can take 10 mgs/day of Nolvadex for 56 days throughout my cycle.

    Am I doing it healthier this 3rd cycle?:

    8 wks (56 days) of 50 mgs D-bol only, with daily intake of milk thistle & liver protectant, during which I'll break thirty (30) 20 mgs of Nolvadex in half & have sixty (60) 10 mg pills of Nolvadex to use 10 mgs/day during my 8 week or 56 day cycle, then stop for 4 wks, and start cycle #4 (1 month later)?

    You may want to note that the only sides I saw in these 1st 2 cycles were pimples & irritability. I don't have puffy nipples from those 1st 2 cycles this year.

    To counteract fatigue after my 3rd cycle : I've ordered sublingual B-12 & b complex vitamins, caffeine pills, hot steamy baths in my bath tub. I even have anti-depressants from my doctor, & tranquilizer/valium in small dosage for R rage.

    (*As an aside, I know that oral-only cycles are not the best option and that some injectables should be added, but I will add Test -E at later cycles along with my orals. Cant afford injectables/syringes now, but will in the future.)

    so am i doing it healthy this 3rd cycle bros? if not what kind of constructive advice can you give me?

    thanks again.

  2. #2
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    That is a lot of orals your planning to do i mean you last two cycles then this one in consecutive order. How much of the gains have you kept with your d.boll cycles with no pct?
    no open source posting
    keep all source request's to PM'S please

    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

    detailed detection times
    at least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source check
    unsure about the rule's please read up
    thread for first cycle choices


  3. #3
    mrcalifornia is offline New Member
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    I've kept my gains. At the beginning of 2012 I could bench press 105 for like 7-8 reps, now I can bench 140 for 7-8 reps. I still do feel stronger right now which is exactly 4 wks of being off), but a little sluggish at times.

    The 1st 2 cycles were only on average 25 to 30 mgs/day. The 1st cycle was 6 wks long, 4 wks off, & this 1st cycle I started at 15 mgs/day for a week or 2 then moved to 35mgs/day;

    The 2nd cycle was 8 wks on, 5 wks off. I did 30-40 mgs/day. Started at 30 mgs/day (1 in the morning 2 in the afternoon before working out)

    This 3rd cycle will be 8 wks at 50 mgs/day & 4 wks off. I will do 50 mgs/day right at the start of the cycle through & including the end of the cycle.

    This 3rd cycle is going to be a big one both in terms of length (8 wks) & higher dosages every day 50 mgs.

    Also, is tapering off like the last 2 weeks of an 8 wk cycle go to 30 mgs/day then 20 mgs/day a good idea??? In other words is slow coming off with lower doses any good?

    I read somewhere that tapering off to smaller dosages per day doesn't do any good at all.

    Any other further comments/constructive criticism of my cycle & proposed 3rd cycle to keep it healthy and productive?

  4. #4
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    First I'm going to need your stats.
    A quick breakdown of your training and diet

    Are stuck on the idea of Dbol only?

    Would you be willing to add testosterone prop?

    Or run a test only cycle?

    I don't like the idea of you taking so many orals. Are you afraid of needles? Would you be able to stick yourself?

  5. #5
    mrcalifornia is offline New Member
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    Hi, Misery.

    I'm 40 years old.
    I weigh 202 pounds.
    5 feet 10 inches tall. about 12 -15% bodyfat (not sure).
    I have a bit of a pot belly. But nice chest development: upper, mid, lower chest.
    I train 4 days a week. Mon & Wed: chest & shoulders. tues & thurs Legs & Arms & forearms. I do heavy weight, low reps in the rep range of 6-8; sometimes 4-5 rep range.
    I eat 4-5 meals a day. Protein shakes on training days. Lunch & Dinner: Almost always lean chicken breasts with onions and pepper. Peanut butter sandwhiches for breakfast, sometimes eggs & bacon for breakfast.

    I would be willing to add testosterone prop, and Test -E about 200 mgs/week via intra-muscular injection.

    I had injections before of Sustanon & Testoviron Depot administered by a friend.

    I have a general idea of where the injection site is located (THE UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT OF THE BUTTOCK--IF THE BUTT WAS SPLIT INTO IMAGINARY FOUR'S--A QUADRANT).

    But, dude, the same guy/friend who used to give me injections--shot himself either too high or too low and ended up paralyzed for 3 days and when he told me that it scared the doo doo out of me!

    Even though his paralysis was temporary, I was always afraid to shoot myself because I'd fear getting paralyzed if I shot it wrong.

    My friend no longer is around.

    What are the risks in injecting oneself? Is temporary paralysis one of them? How do you avoid that?

    Anyway. I have a year supply of orals--all d-bol only and the next cycle I will rest (be off) 6 wks which should give me time to save money to buy some Test injectables. I'd have to research real well where the exact location of the injection site is. Then I'd do only 20 mgs of d-bol/day and THEN injectables of 250 mgs/Test per week.

    But, I guess I will have to add Testosterone -E (the "E" I think stands for Ethanate).

    I think I can handle an all 50 mg/day d-bol ony

    There is on the market a 25 or 50 mg Anadrol . The strongest oral steroid . Plus some test subjects have taken more than 50 mgs/day and have lived to tell about it and I guess made really big gains.
    Last edited by mrcalifornia; 06-26-2012 at 12:03 PM.

  6. #6
    Kenlie is offline Junior Member
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    If you read dianabol description, it actually says that mg to mg basis dbol is considered stronger than Anadrol , by most.

    I also think it would be good idea to go for test E, instead of increasing dbol dose.

    You also might want to do some extra research on injecting. It's very important to do it correctly, or you might hit the nerve, or vain. Once you've learned how to do it, it's not really dangerous, or painful at all. I would think that running heavy oral cycles for long period of time, is more dangerous.

  7. #7
    Skyrinegt's Avatar
    Skyrinegt is offline Associate Member
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    The glute is only one of every other place on your body you can inject, make sure everything is sterile and you aspirate and you shouldn't have problems

  8. #8
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    I pin my delts, glutes, and thighs. Mrs.misery13 pins my traps and lats for me. Just read the pinning sticky. Don't post prices. Please edit the price. You seem to be tracking better. I say save the Dbol for now and run a test only cycle.

  9. #9
    mrcalifornia is offline New Member
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    thanx kenile & skyrinegt

    I think out of all the injection sites, the delts have less nerves, am i right? I will ask my physical therapist next time to verify this and to show me exactly where in the front deltoid there are no nerves.

    I'd imagine dead center in the front deltoid there aren't any nerves. read somewhere that a bad shot in the front delt can paralyze the neck--do NOT want to do that.

    by the way, i am in good health and can heavy duty workout, I go to a physical therapist for "ultra-sound deep tissue massage" on my shoulders.

    so on a different matter, i highly recommend ultra-sound deep-tissue massage on the shoulders and the elbow as something to help heal and avoid minor injuries. Your tendons, ligaments and rotator cuff will thank you!

    I erased prices. Thanks Misery13. I also accepted/saved your friend request.

    Sorry to say I don't have the dough for Test "E" right now. (bought livpro & nolvadex so strapped for cash)

    I'm going to take my last oral only cycle next week for 8 weeks, 50 mgs/day every day of the cycle, then stop for 5-6 wks.

    Then like you suggest, the next following cycle, I'll get Test E & use only that thruout the cycle. (I'd have enough money saved up at that time for it & for syringes).

    My question: Next week, should I take 10 mgs nolvadex throughout the 56 day (8 week) cycle as my hookup suggests. In other words, I'm advised by source to take 10-20 mgs/ nolvadex throughout the cycle. this should be enough for a pct, right?

    so since i have 20 mg nolvadex pills, im going to break the 20's in half (so i get 10mgs) & take them at the same time I take my orals for 8 wks?

    I just need someone to confirm that this is a good pct regimen as my hookup suggests.

    (the pct is really done during the cycle, not after the cycle because it is a heavy androgenic cycle of 50 mgs/dbol a day).

    In other words is 10mgs/nolvadex taken throughout the 56 or 8 week cycle of 50 mgs/d bol a day enough or should i really also take another 10 mgs a day for 3 wks after i stop the cycle.

  10. #10
    Hellhound1988's Avatar
    Hellhound1988 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Misery13 View Post
    I pin my delts, glutes, and thighs. Mrs.misery13 pins my traps and lats for me. Just read the pinning sticky. Don't post prices. Please edit the price. You seem to be tracking better. I say save the Dbol for now and run a test only cycle.
    i agree, change it up a bit and run some test, i did a dbol and test cycle for 8 weeks and i think the test played a big role in my gains

    bold = thats boss dude

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