Hello everyone, I just have some questions on a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy ) plan and in need of some advice for the future. I want to first start off by saying, when I first started getting into this I jumped in without knowing anything and that was a big MISTAKE. I moved in with a friend that was a body-builder and his trainer which soon became my trainer. I trusted these guys with my body and my money but all they seen was the $$$, but don’t get my wrong I loved the results I was getting at the time but never really thought about when it was time to come off. So to cut the story short there was a falling out and I moved out but I was not cut off. After not really wanting to deal with them I started researching and found out they had me on gear for way to long. So I started to look for a way to come off but was soon to find out it was easier to get test then to get legit pct products.

Cycle Information

I will be on test for 24 weeks (6months) on 7/14/12 at 200mg a week with one cycle of wini I believe at week 12. I know the past 12 weeks have been test-c but I’m not for sure on the first 12 weeks (I know irresponsible). I also use anastrozel at 1mg a day in the mourning with liver rite, and 37.5mg of phentermine (which will stop when PCT plan starts).

My stats right now:

Age: 20
Height: 5’11
Weight: 225lbs
BF%: unknown (I have some fat still but people defiantly know that I work out)
Bench max: 295lbs (I know not tooo important I just put on to show i’m not some guy that doesn’t put in the work)

My following PCT Plan that I have came up with on my own:

Week 1: 200mg test-c (all at one time), 1000iu’s of HCG (twice), Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg (on day 1), Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg (every day for the fowling 6 days), Ostarine 25mg (every day), Anastrozole 1mg (every day)

Week 2: Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg (every day for the fowling 4 days), 750iu’s of HCG (twice), Ostarine 25mg (every day), Anastrozole 1mg (every day), Nolvadex 20 mg (every day for the last three day’s of the week)

Week 3: Nolvadex 20mg (every day for the first four days), 500iu’s of HCG (Twice), Anastrozel 1mg (every day), Ostarine 25mg (every day),
Week 4: 250iu’s of HCG (twice), Anastrozole 1mg (every day)

Week 5: Anastrozole 1mg (every day), Ostarine 12.5mg (every day)

Week 6: Anastrozole 1mg (every day), Ostarine 6.25mg (every day),

Week 7: Anastrozole .5mg (every day)

Week 8: Done with PCT

Brands of products:

I know that sourcing is strictly frowned upon so I will only appreviate. If you don’t know what company they stand for you probably haven’t done much research yourself. If you have heard negative things about them please let me know so I don’t hurt myself. Like I said before I have had a hard time finding legit product.

The Ostarine, Anastrozole, Nolvadex, and Clomid are all being provided by genx.
The HCG will be provided by PW


I first would like to thank everyone that has took the time to read this. I hope if this is correct I have helped someone out there and if not, the advice I get will help someone! I do know that I have made mistakes in not having a PCT plan before I even started. If you have any suggestions that would be great! Any help is still help but I would just like to say please know what your talking about before you say it because I don’t need anymore bad advice. Thanks again

Also I have been interested in some growth! If you would like to help me out on it please message me!