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  1. #1
    oscar1990 is offline Associate Member
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    The use of HCG or Clomid without the use of steroid/s

    Use of HCG or Clomid for a restart without the use of steroid /s - opinions please?
    Hi there all,

    In your own opinion based on your knowledge with or without your experiences with the use of HCG .

    Could one please answer if it is to risky to use HCG or/and Clomid without using steroid /s for a restart?

    I have used a multitude of sports supplements and am convinced that my nuts have shrunken a-little (im pretty convinced theres been some shrinkage), if I was to administer HCG will it possibly reverse the 'shrinkage'? will it make it worse (cause atrophy)? will it not do anything? I know that HCG acts on LH and FSH, so im predicting it will have some level of stimulation, but will it be temporary or everlasting?

    Supplements used: Jack3d, N.O Shot-gun, N.o Xplode 1.0 and 2.0, Black-label, 1.M.R

    Never used anything anabolic , never ever cycled anything. Nuts seem a-little smaller though. I have discontinued supplement use for 3 good months.

    Advice appreciated.

  2. #2
    BigBadBob is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    I was thinking the same thing. I was in an auto accident a few years back. Pain management dr. sent me to have blood levels checked for low-t . Dr. said I was a little low, perscribed androgel . I notice a mild improvment. Insurace co. wanted Dr. to perscribe injections. Soon as I spoke to the doctor about this and told him I thought it would be a good idea because I noticed only a little relife and was still fatiged no matter how much sleep i got, suddenly according to him my levels had improved. Now I have no insurance. So suffered for a few years unsure of the problem. All the while thinking it was related to the back injury I was originally being treated for and the addiction to pain killers i was trying to kick . Bumped into an old friend who had a simular story told me he had been doing steriods for the last year or to. So I started a cycle was back to feeling great again. 48 now had done a few cycles in my twenties. Din't get my PCT yet at the time I planned on ending my cycle. In two three weeks felt like I was dying. luckly I save a bottle of test-e just in case as I was afraid of something like this. Within day or two back to normal. Just read up about HCG and wanted to try the same thing your thinking of. I think I know why you have this question to . I worried about being dependent on TRT for life and was hoping as you are to jump start my body into making it's own testosterone on it's own again. More than a little worried about being reliyant on TRT for life,what if I run out and can't get anymore,what if i can't afford it,ect. Let me know if these are your concerns and someone please help.

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