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  1. #1
    s.e.bowen's Avatar
    s.e.bowen is offline Associate Member
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    Parma, Ohio USA

    Would you say I'm back to homeostasis?

    I finished pct over a month ago and just had bloodwork done. I got the results this morning.
    Test levels are 624- smack dab in the middle of normal.
    Estrodial is 31- which is normal for an adult male.
    I feel great. Libido is back to normal and my strength and stamina is as good as ever.
    I even broke a PR two nights ago on my deadlift : 405 for three reps.
    All in all I'm pretty satisfied.
    At the start of my sust cycle I weighed 178 and I got up up to 210. At the end of pct I weighed in at 194 and a month after pct I'm still 194. So I was able to keep a lean 16 pound gain from a 12 week cycle!
    I'm quite sure it wouldn't have gone so smooth if I didn't follow the advice of the knowledgable members on this forum.
    Thank you all!!!


  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    You've only provided two hormones, but i would say you're looking pretty good at this point.

  3. #3
    s.e.bowen's Avatar
    s.e.bowen is offline Associate Member
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    Parma, Ohio USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    You've only provided two hormones, but i would say you're looking pretty good at this point.
    Those were the only tests my MD ran aside from liver function, which was good. I have an appointment scheduled for March 18 with an endocrinologist so hopefully he'll do more in depth testing.
    Thanks Mickey.


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