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Thread: Newbie PCT ?

  1. #1
    snookerz is offline New Member
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    Newbie PCT ?

    Currently on following:
    week 1-6: test Cyp 200mg weekly
    Week 7-12: test Cyp 200mg every 3.5 days
    Week 1-12: Anastrozole 1mg twice weekly
    Week 1-12: HCG 500units twice weekly

    This is my first cycle.

    For PCT I have Clomid which I was going to start 18 days after last test pin at 50mg daily for 2 weeks. My question is this. Is that enough for PCT? I'll also have HCG, however, everything i have read read suggests not to use HCG as PCT and to take the Clomid as 100/100/50/50.

    I would really appreciate any advice. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Take Hcg 250iu every 3.5 days on cycle (to include the 1/2 elimination time of 18 days). After the eighteen days, start pct of Clomid 75/50/50/50 and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20.
    I think you may want to shorten your Cyp cycle.

  3. #3
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    What are your Stats snookerz?

  4. #4
    snookerz is offline New Member
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    Thank you very much for your replies. I probably should have included my stats and recent labs. I am 37 years old. 5'9" 181lbs. Body fat is approximately 25%. I have been lifting weights consistently for 3.5 years 3-4 days a week (currently 4 days per week for last year). I also practiced BJJ and Kickboxing 4 days/week for 2 years but stopped 3 months ago. Test level before cycle was 223. After the first 6 weeks of this cycle repeat labs showed a Testosterone Level of 1347 ; free Test of 48.4 and Estradiol of 18.5.

    Thanks again. This site has been great. Stressing a lot over this. I've been researching PubMed, UpToDate and various other sites for quite some time.

  5. #5
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    It appears as though your numbers are pretty good, other than your BF being high. Was your recent bloodwork taken before wk 6 or after that?

  6. #6
    snookerz is offline New Member
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    Labs were taken 4 days after Test injection number 6. My BF has been a struggle. My entire family has central obesity. My diet is very strict and I adhere to it well. Definitely could do more cardio. Also, that's just an estimate based on one of your earlier posts in which you included photos and BF percentages. As far as the proposed cycle what do you think? Will I need to find more Clomid. Also, should I pin HCG for the 18 days between my last Test pin and the start of Clomid?

  7. #7
    pumping_iron's Avatar
    pumping_iron is offline Junior Member
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    With that cycle you'll be fine with nolva. 40/40/20/20

  8. #8
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by snookerz View Post
    Labs were taken 4 days after Test injection number 6. My BF has been a struggle. My entire family has central obesity. My diet is very strict and I adhere to it well. Definitely could do more cardio. Also, that's just an estimate based on one of your earlier posts in which you included photos and BF percentages. As far as the proposed cycle what do you think? Will I need to find more Clomid. Also, should I pin HCG for the 18 days between my last Test pin and the start of Clomid?
    Quote Originally Posted by snookerz View Post
    Thank you very much for your replies. I probably should have included my stats and recent labs. I am 37 years old. 5'9" 181lbs. Body fat is approximately 25%. I have been lifting weights consistently for 3.5 years 3-4 days a week (currently 4 days per week for last year). I also practiced BJJ and Kickboxing 4 days/week for 2 years but stopped 3 months ago. Test level before cycle was 223. After the first 6 weeks of this cycle repeat labs showed a Testosterone Level of 1347 ; free Test of 48.4 and Estradiol of 18.5.

    Thanks again. This site has been great. Stressing a lot over this. I've been researching PubMed, UpToDate and various other sites for quite some time.
    I never did get back to your thread and i apologize, but i was waiting for more info.

    And with the information you have provided, i would NOT begin a cycle. Your BF is too high, in my opinion. I recommend you work on reducing it to around the 15% mark. This will also reduce the likelihood of unwanted estrogen sides that are more prevalent in AAS users with higher percentage body fat.

    Continue to work on your diet and reducing BF, and then revisit the idea of using AAS.

  9. #9
    snookerz is offline New Member
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    Mar 2013
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. Really appreciate it.

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