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  1. #1
    canuckkk is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013

    Minor Gyno and albuterol with nova/ferma?

    Hi guys, Im coming here for some desperate help, Im 21 years old and looking to remove my fatty tissue around my chest area and reduce the level of lower stomach fat altogether. I have not taken any steroids in the past and am solely looking to fix what I was born genetically with, and am sick and tiered of it.

    my chest has been like this since early adulthood, it is not sore or anything, nor does it lactate or hurt.

    Ive been working out consistently for the past few years and went to my doctor about my cause, since eating properly and working out hard wasnt helping my condition. He said it wasnt exactly gyno but a bad cause of 'indian genetics' (doctor was also indian so he joked about it). He said he could "try" to diagnose it as gyno, so that it would be covered by health care, but the only option he mentioned was surgery.

    I will include picture of my current shape, but I was looking into products of nova and ferma to better help my condition, I was also considering stacking alubterol to cut down over all body fat and really get a toned shape (diet and dosage is already calculated and taken care of for albuterol)

    my question is, which would I be better off with? nova or ferma in treating my "gyno" and could anyone provide a basic layout for dosing nova and ferma, with albuterol? and correct what I already know?

    ferma is provided at 2.5mg a serving, so I would consider taking 2.5 or even lower everyday for 60 days, with albuterol which I plan to run for 2 weeks. I heard nova is also a strong reversing agent for gyno, but Im not quite sure what would work best for me. Lemme know what you guys think, really looking to take charge of my body.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	gyno 1.jpg 
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ID:	136790Click image for larger version. 

Name:	gyno 2.png 
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Size:	196.2 KB 
ID:	136791
    Last edited by canuckkk; 04-04-2013 at 06:03 PM.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    If this is puberty Gyno, Ferma/Nolva will not help you. 99.9% chance that it is fibrous.

    BUT..if it is "Indian genetics", then you may be able to reduce the "gyno appearance" slightly if you reduce the fatty tissue in the chest area. Taking drugs for Gyno when you don't have Gyno, is not recommended at all.

  3. #3
    canuckkk is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    fair point, ive been stuck with this chest shape for many many many years, after cutting phases it just wont disappear no matter how much I naturally cut. Not keen on going the surgical route to fix this

    Additionally, ive taken "PES' Erase: Potent Estrogen & Cortisol Destroyer" which when I was on it seemed to reduce and give a better shape overall. But once I stopped the shitty fatty deposits came back. So would taking estrogen reducing PCT's be a legit option for me here?
    Last edited by canuckkk; 04-04-2013 at 06:24 PM.

  4. #4
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Perhaps it really is genetics?

  5. #5
    canuckkk is offline New Member
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    Apr 2013
    haha I wouldnt doubt that at all. So should I forget about PCT's and look just to cut down with albuterol and go from there?

  6. #6
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by canuckkk View Post
    haha I wouldnt doubt that at all. So should I forget about PCT's and look just to cut down with albuterol and go from there?
    Honestly, i would try to see another doctor who can shed some light on this relatively unique situation. But i would not be taking any drugs at this point - certainly not before seeing a competent doctor.

    Keep us posted.

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