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  1. #1
    Yeahbuddy157's Avatar
    Yeahbuddy157 is offline New Member
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    New Jersey

    Extended hcg cycle during pct for extra fatloss?

    I have a female family member who is losing tremendous amouts of weight on the hcg /restricted calorie diet. Ive also heard that men are getting the same results on such diets. So my question is, if I am already going to be running hcg for about 3 weeks during my pct, would there be and benefit in running it an additional 3 weeks in hopes of shedding off a little extra body fat? The reason I'm suggesting a total of 6 weeks on the hcg is because that is what most of these hcg diets call for. Has anyone tried this or heard of anyone trying this? If this worked, it would be a great perc during pct.

  2. #2
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Dec 2011
    The hCG diet is a farce, a complete farce. BUT..if its working for you or your wife and you're seeing results that you're happy with, i say all the power to you man.

    But just know, unless youre a sloth, this "diet" and results can be achieved without hCG. Most people will drop weight if their diet is severely restricted below their m,maintenance cals. Just saying..

    And no, this would not be a "great perc" during PCT. In fact, the polar opposite is true. During PCT is a crucial time and cals should not be decreased - you should actually increase during this recovery period.

  3. #3
    Yeahbuddy157's Avatar
    Yeahbuddy157 is offline New Member
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    New Jersey
    Ok, yeah I wasnt sure. Just a hypothesis. I was told the idea behind the whole hcg diet was it uses stored fat for energy while maintaining muscle mass. I also know the diet requires stomach injections like growth, not intramuscular. I really am not in need of losing much fat. But I thought if running the hcg for a longer period and switching to stomach injections say after week 3, might burn some extra stubborn body fat. Well that would be a useful benefit. Again not looking for an easy way to side step cardio or hard work. Just curious if anyone has tried it.

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