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  1. #1
    ChipChelios's Avatar
    ChipChelios is offline Junior Member
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    Clen during pct during Bulk ?

    Hey guys, I'm currently bulking have been for almost a year now, I just finished my second cycle of
    Test-e 500 / dbol 6 weeks
    This Saturday ill be starting my pct (HCG , clomid)
    I'm just wondering if I leave my diet the same, with clen cut me up a bit, and keep me lean for Summer? Is it worth buying?

    What do you guys think ( obv never used clen)

  2. #2
    Alca5tive is offline New Member
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    Clen didnt make any difference for me i took it when bulking too, with susta and deca .

    Didnt work for me, the down side are much worse like shaking hands all the time, rapid heart rate..

  3. #3
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Clen wont do a thing in terms of leaning you out while your calories are high during Pct. If you are lethargic, it may keep your workout intensity up but I would rather just take a pre-workout drink then deal with the sides of clen for this purpose. The sides can be really tough to deal with.

  4. #4
    ChipChelios's Avatar
    ChipChelios is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alca5tive
    Clen didnt make any difference for me i took it when bulking too, with susta and deca .

    Didnt work for me, the down side are much worse like shaking hands all the time, rapid heart rate..
    I have a pretty lean bulking diet ... And I don't look shredded but you can still see a six pack.
    My first cycle I gained a bit of fat afterwards, I'm just wondering if clen will keep the look I want until I do my next cycle.

  5. #5
    ChipChelios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown
    Clen wont do a thing in terms of leaning you out while your calories are high during Pct. If you are lethargic, it may keep your workout intensity up but I would rather just take a pre-workout drink then deal with the sides of clen for this purpose. The sides can be really tough to deal with.
    I've heard of some people who are sponsored that take clen to stay a little lean just to stay tight for photo shoots and what not.
    I think maybe ill try it for a month a see how it goes....
    My diet is very clean..

  6. #6
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChipChelios View Post
    I've heard of some people who are sponsored that take clen to stay a little lean just to stay tight for photo shoots and what not.
    I think maybe ill try it for a month a see how it goes....
    My diet is very clean..
    Try it and please report back with how it goes. Note the differences as opposed to when you have done pct in the past without it. Im very curious as I do see potential benefit in a couple areas as long as calories arent being restricted during pct.

  7. #7
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    i read before that clenbuterol actually helps keeping gains in pct. and alot of people include it in every pct..

  8. #8
    ChipChelios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup

    Try it and please report back with how it goes. Note the differences as opposed to when you have done pct in the past without it. Im very curious as I do see potential benefit in a couple areas as long as calories arent being restricted during pct.
    I will I'm curious to see how it does on this bulk diet.

  9. #9
    ChipChelios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich
    i read before that clenbuterol actually helps keeping gains in pct. and alot of people include it in every pct..
    Yeah I've read of some people doing that. I just wanna tighten up a bit for summer and stay on this bulk diet until my next cycle

  10. #10
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm not sure how it is going to lean you up if you are at a 500 calorie surplus. It may keep you from putting on additional weight during PCT but it wont help cut any fat that you gained on cycle. That was the experience I had anyway. Maybe you will get different/better results, keep us posted and remember to take your Taurine and plenty of water.

  11. #11
    oatmeal69's Avatar
    oatmeal69 is offline Productive Member
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    I've also seen stuff that mentions it can help re-start natural Test production in PCT.

  12. #12
    ChipChelios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown
    I'm not sure how it is going to lean you up if you are at a 500 calorie surplus. It may keep you from putting on additional weight during PCT but it wont help cut any fat that you gained on cycle. That was the experience I had anyway. Maybe you will get different/better results, keep us posted and remember to take your Taurine and plenty of water.
    I get leaner on cycle... I usually gain fat after pct... Which sucks..

    Taurine and potassium I've heard, I will be supplementing both

  13. #13
    ChipChelios's Avatar
    ChipChelios is offline Junior Member
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    Currently on day two of the clen on my diet.

    On 60 mcg now, little bit of shakes, but all is good

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