hello all I have a question about AI's and and SERM's effect on fat loss dieting. first some background. right now I am 5'8" 280lbs male and BF% of about 25 for the last 5 years I have been trying my darndest to loss this fat. ive fasted, starvation dieted, and done cardio till I was blue in the face (literally) a couple of months ago I went 6 weeks on a 1000 calorie a day diet while doing 4 hours of med-high intensity cardio a day didn't even lose 1 pound. not 1. right now im only 18 and im extremely frustrated as im afraid to be stuck with this weight for the rest of my life. im starting to think I have a serious estrogen excess as I also have a bad case of gyno. im planning on trying a 60 day hcg diet soon and was wondering if the addition of .5 mg of letrozole daily during that period would help reduce my estrogen levels and help promote fat loss as well as prevent the aromatization of any testosterone produced by the hcg stimulation. also I wanted to know if 10mg of nolvodex daily would interfere with weight loss or estrogen reduction as I have heard that by blocking estrogen receptors nolvodex increases estrogen levels.

p.s. also if it would help you to determine weather estrogen excess is the issue I have been the same weight of approx. 280-285 since I hit puberty but my BF% has drifted between 24 and 30

I would have put this on the hcg diet forum but they wouldn't have a clue what an AI or SERM was