I know i am going to get flamed for this so i will cut the story short Im 23 210 lb 8% bf and have just done the following cycle:

Test prop 1-10 175mg
tren ace 1-10 350mg
testprop 10-20 350mg
masteron 10-20 525mg
Anavar 75mg 1-20

clen ,t3,ephedrine,yohimbine used in cycle aswel.

I know i should not have cycled this long i normally stop between 10-12 weeks but im a model and have been getting alot of good work for magazines and events and im in the best shape of my life and didnt want to lose my gains before by shoots and i love being in the condition i am now.

Would i have done some serious harm to myself cycling this long? recently my sex drive has been really low despite currently being on test and masteron. I have another big photo shoot mid december so wanted to atleast be on cycle again before then so this is obviously a big issue.

I have been running hcg at 1000iu ew throughout cycle and 0.5mg armidex eod, for pct i have 60x 50mg clomid 90x 20mg nolva 50x50mg proviron and also 5x 5mg ghrp 2 + 3x 5mg cjc, pct is pretty solid but will it help me recover in time or should i cruise on a low test dosage. I understand that this could put my risk of problems even higher. Any help and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time