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Thread: shutdown for good?

  1. #1
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    shutdown for good?

    Ok I've posted last month with an update, but now I have another one.

    Took clomid for a month, after shutting myself down (LH/FSH at 1) after 10 days of a product with low dose epistane.

    Clomid worked, blood results while on it, had total T at 1500. A month post clomid, T dropped to 500, with LH at 3.

    Blood work again, 6 weeks after clomid, and here are the results...

    Total T 520 (250-1100)

    Free T 59 (46-224)
    Bioavaliable 125 (110-575)
    SHBG 40 (10-50)

    LH 1.7 (1.5-9.3)
    FSH 1.1 (1.6-8.0) Both low! despite being raised by clomid, they dropped back down.

    e2 7 (<29)

    pregnenolone 23 (13-208) Seems low

    Main symptoms

    Inability to feel anything (depression)
    low libido

    Does this mean I am shut down for good, or do I need to try another restart other than just clomid 50mg everyday?

    Please help.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Wait another 4 weeks and run labs. It takes time to recover

  3. #3
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Thats what I thought but what does it say that after clomid everything went back down again? Does that say it isnt going to come back up again on its own?

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    It means that you responded to the serm but coming off the serms and a drop off is very normal. Now the real recovery starts

  5. #5
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok thanks. My symptoms havent changed from before serm, on serm, and after serm. Hopefully stuff can climb back up on its own.

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    You have to stay mentally strong and focused during this time. Keep your training intense and fast. Compound movements mainly and out of the gym in 45 minutes. Nutrition is key for recovery and holding on to the new tissue. Most important get plenty of rest
    EasyDoesIt likes this.

  7. #7
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Its been a grueling 6 months. At what point will I know if it is going to improve or not? What is my timetable before I attempt either another restart or just decide to do HCG monotherapy or even TRT.

    Also, when it first happened I took liquid nolva for 5 days and stopped because doctors told me to. On the 3rd day of that, I had a 3 hour window when I felt like myself again, but it only lasted 3 hours until the switch turned off again so to speak.. Im so confused by that. Any thoughts on that, or was it a coincidence.

  8. #8
    Mp859's Avatar
    Mp859 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Everyone recovers differently brotha just be patient and get bloods in a couple months. You are just driving yourself crazy worrying about it.

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    Everyone recovers differently brotha just be patient and get bloods in a couple months. You are just driving yourself crazy worrying about it.
    ^^^ This be patient and give it time like we said Retest in 4-6 weeks to see were you are at

  10. #10
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the advice. It just sucks not knowing if it ever is gonna get better. Quality life has literally been 0 , 24/7 for 6 months.

    Ill update again in a couple months when I get more labs.


  11. #11
    Megalodon6's Avatar
    Megalodon6 is offline Member
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    I'm Ron Burgundy?
    What cycle did you run?

  12. #12
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Megaladon, I didnt really run anything but I took a prohormone for only 10 days. Arime stage 5. Has 10mg of epistane in it. I stopped after 10 days because the symptoms. Last summer I took a superdrol clone and Im not sure I was ever completely recovered from that.

  13. #13
    Buster Brown's Avatar
    Buster Brown is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have experienced the same kind of drop once getting off of the Pct meds. Yes, it is very discouraging and will take a while to bounce back. The older you are the harder it gets. Hope you bounce back sooner then later.

  14. #14
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks buster brown. I am only 23. Im gonna give it 3 more months , get
    More blood work, see where Im at, and if still in the tank, maybe try another last ditch PCT

  15. #15
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Buster, I ment to add. I think my pituitary signaling was already bad, because 10 days of 10 mg of epistane shouldnt shut you down this long. Most people wouldnt even PCT after such a short time right? So I bet I was already low. Dont you think?

  16. #16
    Buster Brown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Buster, I ment to add. I think my pituitary signaling was already bad, because 10 days of 10 mg of epistane shouldnt shut you down this long. Most people wouldnt even PCT after such a short time right? So I bet I was already low. Dont you think?
    I can't advise you about that. Try PM'ing Jim he may be able to shed some light and give you some direction.

  17. #17
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    When you ran labs before did you check your lh levels?

  18. #18
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Jim, unfortunetely I do not. My endo even pushed my appt back from nov to february because my test is 520, despite free T of only 5.9 and LH and FSH at 1.7 and 1.1 respectively. He said he would have had a concern with that but since T is "normal" he said its ok. So Im thinking of running another PCT on my own because I do not feel at all better. I know I used to get morning erections before all of this, and now I usually dont but when I do its not that hard. Also my e2 is only 7 , which is concerning to me

  19. #19
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Or did you mean labs before clomid? Before LH was 2. 4 weeks post it was 3. 8 weeks post its 1.7

  20. #20
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Or did you mean labs before clomid? Before LH was 2. 4 weeks post it was 3. 8 weeks post its 1.7
    How do those numbers match up to your ref ranges? High or low?

  21. #21
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    LH was 1.7 which was near bottom of the range. 1.5 was the bottom of the range.

    FSH was 1.1, below the bottom of the range. (1.6 bottom)

  22. #22
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19
    LH was 1.7 which was near bottom of the range. 1.5 was the bottom of the range. FSH was 1.1, below the bottom of the range. (1.6 bottom)
    and how long had you been done with pct at the time of those labs?

  23. #23
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    50 mg everyday for 4 weeks in of clomid for 8 weeks at the time of labs.

    Had blood work at 4 weeks out and LH was at 3.

  24. #24
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19
    50 mg everyday for 4 weeks in of clomid for 8 weeks at the time of labs. Had blood work at 4 weeks out and LH was at 3.
    yeah lh would drop off for a bit after you discontinue the pct meds. How long till you run labs again? That will be the tell tale

  25. #25
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Apparently february, but I can move I can call and demand to move up my appointment. Part of me wants to just attempt my own PCT with clomid and nolva, but I guess I should wait for one more round of blood work.

  26. #26
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19
    Apparently february, but I can move I can call and demand to move up my appointment. Part of me wants to just attempt my own PCT with clomid and nolva, but I guess I should wait for one more round of blood work.
    wait it out bro so you get an accurate reading

  27. #27
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Jim , when do you suggest would be the best time to get my next blood labs done? And at what point do you suggest I attempt another restart (if the labs dont improve)?

  28. #28
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Jim , when do you suggest would be the best time to get my next blood labs done? And at what point do you suggest I attempt another restart (if the labs dont improve)?
    I suggest you get your labs done 90-120 days out from discontinuing your pct meds. Get a full blood panel done so you can realy see what is going on only then can you determine if doing a restart is the correct protocol

  29. #29
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Jim. Had more blood work done. Total test dropped back down into the 300s, about 3 months post initial clomid use 50 mg ed. He prescribed me 25mg eod for 6 weeks. He thinks I already had low ish testosterone because he doesnt think 10 days of a prohormone usage would affect me this bad, this far out (7 months). So I guess we will see how this goes.

  30. #30
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Thanks for the update. At this point follow the dr order and see how it turns out

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