Hey All, I have been reading about the different PCT's out there and I see people saying "Oh, I just bought Nolva." and whatnot, but I am confused about purchasing this stuff.

I see it for sale online and noticed a couple of things:

1. Nolva is REALLY expensive
2. Generic Tamoxifen Citrate is relatively cheap
3. I don't really see any US sales (Mostly Canada Pharms and "International" Pharms). Is Nolva, HCG , and other PCT substances illegal?
4. More of a question...Where would one buy this stuff?

I also have a question about a product I've seen from Gaspari.
Novedex XT. Is this crap or is it a viable PCT? It states that it is an "Anti-Aromatase" which would make one think that it is an AI. Does anyone have any experience with this substance?

I am totally new to PCT's, but have been doing my homework like a madman. Reading and re-reading all the sticky's and other posts. The PCT stuff seems to be much more complicated than the actual cycle and any help in clearing up some of my confusion would be much appreciated.