Thread: hcg during cruse...
hcg during cruse...
This time around I have hired a personal trainer that is an IBFF pro. Im at 14 weeks on my current cycle of a test/deca /dbol . I have just dropped from 1000mg test e/c and 600 deca to 250 on the test and 150 on the deca.... this is for the next 6 weeks. "Cruse phase" My trainer gave me hcg , and told me to start nolva, Clomid and hcg while running these lower doses. I have never used hcg before. It is Gonakor 2500iu. I was told to mix 5ml of the water that comes with it, and shoot 500iu (1cc) every other day until gone. These are my questions...
1) Does this sound right? Using hcg, nolva and clomid? This is my first blast and cruse..
2) I have read some people saying to mix the water with the hcg, then transfer to a sterile vial. I just used the water that came with it, and added it to the vial the hcg was in. I plan to draw out of it... I see no reason to transfer the mix to another vial...??
3) adding 5ml of water to the hcg, nets me 500iu per ml right? Thank you for any and all help...Last edited by tinknocker; 06-23-2014 at 10:33 AM.
06-23-2014, 10:21 AM #2
You want to use bac water to constitute your hcg and no it doesn't sound right. An AI alongside your hcg is a better choice to reduce circulating estrogen. The only reason to consider using a serm during would be if gyno can't be controlled with the AI.
I am running a dex @.50ml 3xs a week. so no nolva or clomid then huh?
06-23-2014, 12:00 PM #4Originally Posted by tinknocker
10-4 jim230027. You think its ok i used the water that came with it?
06-23-2014, 04:14 PM #6Originally Posted by tinknocker
06-23-2014, 05:08 PM #7
lol, ya my trainer has $$ maybe thats why he runs like that. Yes, if i can hit 250lbs and stay under 8% bf, i will try to compete... November...
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