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  1. #1
    Olqoiurra is offline New Member
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    PCT For MAX LMG ?

    Max Lmg is a prohormone and I was wondering what pct I should use for it. I was going to use Post Cycle x3 or Rebound xt but I can't find rebound any where and i don't know if post cycle x3 is good enough please don't recommend Clomid Or Novla. I am 27 13% bf 213 lbs I want to keep some gains but block estrogen and get test back up please comment your pct's

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    You shouldn't run a PH cycle, they are very unsafe. You would be much better off running a cyle of test at 500mg/week. Test is safer and produces much better results. Personally I would rather run a cycle of clomid over a PH. Your best chance at full recovery after a PH cycle is a 4 week PCT of both nolva and clomid after the PH has cleared your system.

  3. #3
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I agree ph cycles will suppress your natty test production leaving you with low t and the symptoms to go with it. You would need a standard nolvadex Clomid pct as well. Running a basic test cycle is a better choice IMO

  4. #4
    Olqoiurra is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    I agree ph cycles will suppress your natty test production leaving you with low t and the symptoms to go with it. You would need a standard nolvadex Clomid pct as well. Running a basic test cycle is a better choice IMO
    Well I already have the ph and I don't want to spend more money buying somthing else then buying a pct to go with it I'll just try post cycle x3 and maybe if I can find rebound to go with it

  5. #5
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olqoiurra View Post
    Well I already have the ph and I don't want to spend more money buying somthing else then buying a pct to go with it I'll just try post cycle x3 and maybe if I can find rebound to go with it
    Thats a terrible choice OP. Can you really put a price on your health? If that PH does work then your body will shutdown natural test production. That means you likely won't be getting an erection while on cycle. I should also mention that you have no idea how it will effect your liver or how to counteract aromatization. Nolva, clomid, and possibly ralox are the only products that work for restoring natural hormone production post cycle.

  6. #6
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olqoiurra
    Well I already have the ph and I don't want to spend more money buying somthing else then buying a pct to go with it I'll just try post cycle x3 and maybe if I can find rebound to go with it
    so you want to run the ph just because you don't want to spend more money? why not just wait till you can get everything you would need?

  7. #7
    hush1116 is offline New Member
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    What about running HCG midway till the end

  8. #8
    hush1116 is offline New Member
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    As well Arimedex and clomid

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by hush1116 View Post
    As well Arimedex and clomid
    Adex is for on cycle estro control. No cycle is planned out well without test a s a base

  10. #10
    X2006ibmgto is offline Junior Member
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    Max lmg is going ti give u gyno lol. Terrible idea

  11. #11
    bonez2bulk is offline New Member
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    Dude do not do over the counter pct's get toremifene

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