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  1. #1
    kingkong1234 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Need help with high Prolactin and libido crash!!

    Hi i was wondering if someone could help me here on my current situation. I had a really high prolactin levels about in the 160 range and had no idea for a couple of months. I felt my energy levels down and stopped going to the gym and became very depressed. When i went to see a urologist he checked my fsh and lh which were normal. Then he checked my testosterone and free testosterone which were in the low normal ranges. Also at this time my libido was gone and dead and my erections were gone. they scanned my brain and told me they dont know why it was so high and put me on medication to lower it. The doctors put me on cabergoline which is a dompaine agonist to lower my prolactin levels and he told me once this happens my testosterone should raise up and my libido should come back. After taking my first pill i got horny after like 4 hours and my energy level was high. I felt like my old self. This lasted for about 8 or nine days then my libido dropped and my erections were gone. My libido had crashed bad. It felt like someone had just drained it right outta me. i've been on this medicine for almost 2 months now and i'm wondering if my condition could be similar to someone who just finished taking steroids .
    I read that high prolactin stops the testicles from producing testosterone. Maybe thats what happend to me for months without me noticing. Do you guys think i should Take Clomid or something to get my balls to jumpstart again. I feel like they are smaller then before and my sperm is less and less when i ejaculate. Is there any other tests i should do and why did my libido crash if my prolactin levels are being lowered? Thanks alot and hope someone here could help.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Have you cycled before? How long ago and what compounds did you run?

  3. #3
    kingkong1234 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Have you cycled before? How long ago and what compounds did you run?
    No Never cycled before. Only took things like creatine and protein. I did take beast before but that was a while ago. But nothing recently.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by kingkong1234 View Post
    No Never cycled before. Only took things like creatine and protein. I did take beast before but that was a while ago. But nothing recently.
    It would be best to follow the instructions of your physician. If you do not follow his instructions how is he or she suppose to treat you?

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