Hi guys,

Its been more than 7 months, no recovery, gaining fat and losing all muscles. My blood report which I got yesterday:
Free Testosterone : 16pg/ml (range 6-29 according to report) // Online its showing 150-250 pg/ml average, I don't which one is correct
E2: 26pg/ml (range 11-44)
FSH: 1.81mIU/ml (range 1.4-18.1)
LH: 3mIU/ml (range 1.5-9.3)
Prolactin: 14ng/ml (range 2.1-17.7)
Total Testosterone: 125ng/dl (range 165-800) (Before cycle it was ~600)

Cycle Details:
Tren Blend (both shortest and longest ester): 400mg/week (1-12week)
Test Blend (both shortest and longest ester): 400mg/week (4-12week)
Anadrol : 50mg/ED (1-4week)
AI: 0.25mg/EOD (Took only for 2-3 weeks when needed)
HCG : 500IU/week (1-12 week), 2000IU/week (13-16 weeks)

PCT : (after 1month)
Clomid: 100mg/ED (17-18 week), 50mg/ED (19-24week)
Nolvadex : 40mg/ED (17-18week), 20mg/ED (19-26week)

PCT was longer than usual coz last time recovery was very hard and needed to run PCT twice.

It was my 4th cycle, (1st test only, 2nd Test, Deca or 5 weeks[failed cycle], 3rd Test, Deca and 4th Test, Tren)

Lost almost all my last 3 cycles(2.5 years) gaining in just 6 months, body weight is normal but replacing muscles with Fats. Is there anything I can do apart from TRT? Like power PCT or anything else? Saw on another board, running Test E at very low dose 40-50mg/week until we get normal test level and then 2500IU hcg/EOD for 16 days, Nolva 20mg/ED and Clomid 100mg/ED 1-30days, Nolva 20mg/ED 31-45days. Please let me know your experience if you faced same problem and then how you got recovered. Also share your TRT experience at young age if recovery was not possible.