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  1. #1
    m Evolution is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2007

    Cool HGH real or fake

    I have seen this lable a year ago on IGF bottles now on this HGH. Does anyone have any info? Real or fake?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HGH real or fake-hgh-edit.jpg   HGH real or fake-hgh2-edit.jpg  

  2. #2
    CYP400 is offline Member
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    Nov 2006
    probably labeled blue tops, make sure what type of blue there is a light blue cap that says flip off which is 10iu and a darker blue cap with no writing on it that is 15iu. at this point blues are not being manufactured anymore so i hope you stocked up

  3. #3
    m Evolution is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2007
    Is the cap the only way to tell if its real. Is there any other ways. Has anyone seen or used this brand before?

  4. #4
    hothat is offline New Member
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    Dec 2007
    That is hgh from a formerly domestic source.Many people who used it claimed red welts and no side effects.
    It's really not more than labeled blue top.

  5. #5
    m Evolution is offline Junior Member
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    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by hothat View Post
    That is hgh from a formerly domestic source.Many people who used it claimed red welts and no side effects.
    It's really not more than labeled blue top.
    Thanks for the response. What do you mean red welts and no side effects? Did they get good gains where they happy with their reslts. Domestic Source?? I'm alil slow on how things work?

  6. #6
    hothat is offline New Member
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    With red welts and no side effects I mean that it does not work.
    Red welts are kind of allergic reaction which many have when using 192aa gh(mostly it's somatrem) instead of the good 191aa gh(somatropin).
    So forget it.
    Typical side effects when gh is good are water retention i the first weeks and carpal tunnel syndrom in your hands.So you will have numbness in your hands.
    The formerly source was Pharmacia el Ramoz.
    I can say because it's gone.

  7. #7
    CYP400 is offline Member
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    not everyone gets cts...a few years go there were a few guys selling animal gh from australia that cost nothing and everyone was getting cts with them but the gh was shit, saying that cts is a good indicator is not a smart thing...check your bf% before you start and then after 2-3 months on it, that will be the best indicator

  8. #8
    lovinglife is offline New Member
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    How do you know if anything is real until you are weeks into your cycle?

  9. #9
    m Evolution is offline Junior Member
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    what do they falsify gh with so I can check it. I'm so skepticle on buying anything atm with all the shit I have come accross. Any other advice with this. I'm onto another brand of gh but am very unsure.

    Gear?? What you think??

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