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  1. #1
    SGTNICK is offline New Member
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    Fort Bragg, NC

    Lightbulb TriTren 150 with pictures, real or fake? Stack with???

    Can anyone tell me anything about this stuff? First off, does it pass for legit?? I was guessin it was UGL but I don't really know. Also, what's the best to stack with this as far as test goes? I was thinking sust or test e? Any advice from the pros would be great. I'm 6-1, 185, looking for strength and def but I don't want to break 200lbs if poss. I have done one cycle in the past about 4 years ago, deca durabolin and test 400 for 12 weeks, worked great. Also, do I need any sort of novarex or similiar side effects meds with tritrenabol?

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails TriTren 150 real or fake? Stack with???-100_2830.jpg  
    Last edited by SGTNICK; 02-03-2008 at 03:04 PM. Reason: redo pictures

  2. #2
    joint is offline Banned
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    Jan 2008
    reupload pic's

  3. #3
    SGTNICK is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    Fort Bragg, NC
    Can you see the pics now?

  4. #4
    skoaler29's Avatar
    skoaler29 is offline Junior Member
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    @ Work Mostly
    ive never seen it. the labels look very similar to a big UGL that doesnt exist anymore, but its possible they just got the labels from the same place.

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