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Thread: Real sus250?

  1. #1
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Feb 2012

    Real sus250?

    bought a 10ml vial of sus250 from my source, hes pretty well known and has used before. I wouldnt doubt him but this is bugging me. The sus250 has no label. He said it is UGL and still contains the 4 esters when i asked him about it. This is a pic. Im not sure if its the lighting or not but it is oil this is what he said its ugl the sus250, undergroudn lab, no brand no label
    i asked was it UGL OZ sus250 he goes as in Australia, then yeh. Then he goes its real potent stuff. I then said so it still contains the 4 esters he said yes of course. He also stated theres hundreds of UGL labs that make sus250. Then i said u wouldnt be selling me fake shit would you? he goes sarcastiacally, yeh im selling u vegetable oil.i understand it could be fake but then again i have read where some UGL make the proper stuff in there labs in mass production and just tip it into empty vials. Im in australia btw so i understand also ripping the label off would make it easier for it to be undetectable. Then again it my just be test C or E

  2. #2
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    Feb 2012
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_0439.jpg 
Views:	476 
Size:	67.6 KB 
ID:	119946

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i wouldnt use it. any ugl puts a label on it. Who knows what is in that vial.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That is as sketchy as it gets. Could be anything in there.

  5. #5
    bubsy's Avatar
    bubsy is offline Junior Member
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    My friend use to sell peanut oil and take the juice out just look for a small whole anywhere on the rubber surface under the metal cap!

  6. #6
    denverpride's Avatar
    denverpride is offline Associate Member
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    Dude don't use with no label.

  7. #7
    CmyZFly's Avatar
    CmyZFly is offline Junior Member
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    no labels be wary

  8. #8
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by leather daddy View Post
    bought a 10ml vial of sus250 from my source, hes pretty well known and has used before. I wouldnt doubt him but this is bugging me. The sus250 has no label. He said it is UGL and still contains the 4 esters when i asked him about it. This is a pic. Im not sure if its the lighting or not but it is oil this is what he said its ugl the sus250, undergroudn lab, no brand no label
    i asked was it UGL OZ sus250 he goes as in Australia, then yeh. Then he goes its real potent stuff. I then said so it still contains the 4 esters he said yes of course. He also stated theres hundreds of UGL labs that make sus250. Then i said u wouldnt be selling me fake shit would you? he goes sarcastiacally, yeh im selling u vegetable oil.i understand it could be fake but then again i have read where some UGL make the proper stuff in there labs in mass production and just tip it into empty vials. Im in australia btw so i understand also ripping the label off would make it easier for it to be undetectable. Then again it my just be test C or E
    At least he's honest.

  9. #9
    leather daddy is offline Banned
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    haha i havent used this yet, i am using my other vial first. Dunno if i will. Mimight buy the same vial im using now from my source to finish of the last 5 weeks of cycle.

  10. #10
    shutup's Avatar
    shutup is offline New Member
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    If you know that the stuff your using now works then why wouldn't you keep using that?

  11. #11
    LibidoBrah is offline New Member
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    Looks like some homebrew.

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