Thread: test 250 gelling up
test 250 gelling up
ok ive never seen this b4 but i respect the advice & info i get from the members so here goes
Its test prop 250 i left it in my car lastnight it was in high 30s low 40s out & this morning its a gel so im thinkingplace the bottle in warm water & give a good shake b4 pulling one out , good? or dose anyone have any other insight on this? thanks
01-29-2013, 11:45 PM #2
I honestly never seen gear get like that.... But I would put a bowl of water in the microwave till boiling and place the vial in the water and see if it breaks up.
TProp250 sounds like a really high dose never seen it that high in dose the highest I've seen was 200mg/ml
01-30-2013, 05:41 AM #3
Thats nasty looking. Ive heard of it crashing, getting crystals in it but turning into gel???
yea i reposted this on steroid Q&A but yea n i boiled it n in a few hours it gelled up again it looks frozen almost crystaly but im gonna try n add some BA to it i think these yahoos tride to make high dose prop n dont understand how many parts of BA u use to keep stuff stable cuz ive never seen 250 either i usally have 100mg per ML , not that i really know what im talking about lol but im not making gear either. Do you think the BA will help?
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