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Thread: bench?

  1. #1
    muaythaiguy76's Avatar
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    just curious ive allways trained for bodybuilding and i never really bench over 365 i try to stay in the 12 rep range and i can bench 315x18 or 365x8 maybe more idk but alot of my buddies are football players or powerlifters and they give me crap about my bench just curious how much could i stand to add to my bench trianing for powerlifting for a few months and how badly would that affect my size for bbing? stats are 21 265 at 16 percent bf 6 foot tall

  2. #2
    muaythaiguy76's Avatar
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    its just a friendly bet my one friend benches 445 and doesnt think i can match it the only reason i havent tried is i dont want to hurt myself because my joints and such arent used to that kind of weight i wouldnt think...i have yet to even try 405

  3. #3
    pay tribute's Avatar
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    No punctuation = hard to read.

    Try using a bodybuilding routine but incorporate powerlifting techniques that pertain to the bench.

  4. #4
    Hemothorax's Avatar
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    Try a search in google for 1 rep max calculator. It asks you to input the weight you do for certain reps and gives you your 1 rep max. Not sure how accurate it is but i entered 365x8 and it says your 1 rep max should be 453.

  5. #5
    Tatudlifter's Avatar
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    Just go easy bro you don't want an injury and then you won't be liftin crap. I just injured my shoulder doing the exact thing you are talking about and just got back to normal it's been a month. I really never thought about it until i had to train like a puss for a month to heal my shoulder. Good luck!!

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    it wont effect you. you wont lose size. i have gotten much larger powerlifitng

  7. #7
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muaythaiguy76 View Post
    its just a friendly bet my one friend benches 445 and doesnt think i can match it the only reason i havent tried is i dont want to hurt myself because my joints and such arent used to that kind of weight i wouldnt think...i have yet to even try 405
    if you doing 365 for 8, in theory you should be able to get the 445 up. 315 for 18 is quite a bit too and maybe you are burning out with that... If you can rep 315 for 18 you should be able to do more than 8 reps at 365?? I usually rep 365 for 5 and my best is 430 on a good day.

    I would be real careful approaching this... 2 weeks after the 430 for 1, I put on 405 and tore my pec minorly..... When you start getting into the heavier than normal range you need to be real carefull and ease your tendons into it.... if you are doing365 for 8, then 405 should also be pretty darn easy... just be careful when going for that 445 range... shouldn't be too far away and you might be able to handle it right away, but I would play it safe and give yourself a few weeks or more to prepare yourself for it.

  8. #8
    quarry206's Avatar
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    i can bench 225 about 30-35 times my good friend does it 57 times. i bench 475 and him only 440. so it is not always good to only go by reps. some people are built different. muscle endurance and muscle strength do not always match.

  9. #9
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    i can bench 225 about 30-35 times my good friend does it 57 times. i bench 475 and him only 440. so it is not always good to only go by reps. some people are built different. muscle endurance and muscle strength do not always match.
    Quarry, not going to argue too much, but what you got listed above is a little different than, your rep range in the lower digits. Light weight for high reps is quite a bit different than when you get in heavier weight for lower reps... what I mean by that, is the measurement of stregnth with the lower reps is a lot more accurate as oppose to lighter weight with high rep, which is more endurance. If you can rep say 405 for 5 then, you should be able to get a good feel for where your max is roughly at... there are many bench charts that are not fool proof but pretty darn close......... in my experience lower rep range is always a good way to indicate where you are at max wise...

    If you get into the high rep range with lower weight it will vary significantly on maxes. anyhow, Peace!

  10. #10
    quarry206's Avatar
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    i think u might have thought i was totally disagreeing. what i meant was numbers can change. i used an extreme example i agree. .
    thats why i said dont only use it....

    me personally i use a chart to gauge how im doing. and i do 365. ten times. and my best competition lift (at an iraq meet, but was held to rules) was 475.

    my real point is u judge more i believe by mixing a chart with how u train. if u work on endurance or rep outs then it can change the chart.

    IMO most powerlifters never know the real number of reps they can do because they never try to go to the point of needing a spotter. they use one for safety.

    my point was never to try and dis agree. only to point out that at 50% to 70% range of 1rm there can be alot of movement in numbers.

  11. #11
    akaz13 is offline Associate Member
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    Since this is steroid .com, I am assuming that at least some of the guys here use gear.

    I am in the first week of my first cyle (500mg of test E/ wk). I was wondering, what kind of gains can I expect on bench?

    I am already in the 335- 340 range, but my CNS was burnt about two mos ago, so I took a step back on my training. Then my shoulder was giving me problems, so that affected my training, too.

    I got a corto steroid shot last week, and I am getting back to decent training, but my strength is down a little. I have trippled 300 before, but could only get a double yesterday.

    Anyway, what type of strength gains can I expect to see?

  12. #12
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by akaz13 View Post
    Since this is steroid .com, I am assuming that at least some of the guys here use gear.

    I am in the first week of my first cyle (500mg of test E/ wk). I was wondering, what kind of gains can I expect on bench?

    I am already in the 335- 340 range, but my CNS was burnt about two mos ago, so I took a step back on my training. Then my shoulder was giving me problems, so that affected my training, too.

    I got a corto steroid shot last week, and I am getting back to decent training, but my strength is down a little. I have trippled 300 before, but could only get a double yesterday.

    Anyway, what type of strength gains can I expect to see?
    it is different for everybody. depends on your past experience and how you train

  13. #13
    akaz13 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust View Post
    it is different for everybody. depends on your past experience and how you train
    Speaking of which, what is your opinion on heavy singles while on cycle?

    I'm asking b/c of the muscles ability to get stronger on cycle than tendons can?

    I know there is no way around that, but do you recommnd staying within a particular percantage or anything?

    Thanks, Doc!

  14. #14
    Posideon's Avatar
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    Hey quarry if you're buddy can do that 57 times , and can't bench more than you, than something is wrong there. He should be at least a 500 lbs bencher.

  15. #15
    2475's Avatar
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    Refer To My Bench Article

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