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  1. #1
    pwrlftr2 is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2004

    Questions about Routines, etc.

    Have not been on the forum for awhile. I hurt my back really bad and after about 6 months I have been able to work back to a raw squat of around 500 and back over 600 on my dead lift. I lift in one ply federation so I have some questions on training. Hope I am not asking too many at once. I have been power lifting a long time so you don't have to draw me a picture on these.

    Question #1: At what point do you guys start training in suits and shirts? I will typically train in blocks of 12 weeks out from a meet and go to equipment about 4 weeks out. Lately more and more I see guys who train more Metal Militia style, that is one day raw and one day equipped.

    Question #2: Considering the above when I do box squats (always use bands not chains) should I wear briefs or do them raw?

    Question #3: I have my own hybrid routine in which I rely heavily on Sheiko, Metal Militia, Westside for skinny bastards III, and just a whole bunch of other stuff. Also have used Coan's dead lift routine and applied it to both the bench and squat with some tweaking here and there. My question is what do you guys do? I have noted Artica uses a lot of stuff I do also.

    If you can answer any or all of that I would greatly appreciate it. I am trying to put together a routine to get me back to high level meet shape without hurting my back again. I had two crunched disks from heavy box squatting. If any of you have ever endured that then I don't have to tell you about the pain or how hard it is to come back from it. So if you can help an old power lifter here I appreciate it and would do the same for you.

  2. #2
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    1 i wear the gear all year. you need to learn the gear and own it. lifting raw and equiped are two different worlds. you will have much better numbers if you train like this.

    2 box squat, use a pair of light briefs just for some support

    3 i use a bit of sheiko and westside. i bench militia style but i dont follow the program.

    maybe this will help this is how i train in gear and keep my raw numbers up

    fully suited free squats
    raw dead lift against bands


    full geared deadlift
    raw rack deads with bands or without bands
    light brief box squats with bands and chains

    shirted press
    raw board press
    close grip for one set

    raw press usually using bands
    rack lockouts
    tri extensions or push downs
    shoulder/rot. cuff work

    i follow prieblins table to keep track of reps and set so i dont overtrain

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