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  1. #1
    tapnyaout is offline New Member
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    Nov 2009

    Cliche bench question

    I've been a thick person all of my life and it's very frustrating having a low bench 1RM. I lifted weights in high school for football and I ended up getting 205lbs sophomore year. TERRIBLE. especially considering that I have short arms. I can't say I was dedicated though I remember being dedicated on the lower body days which is usually the most dreaded by others. I have AWESOME strength and size in my legs my calves are pretty defined (due to packing me around I'd imagine). Last leg press max I done was also during that time and it was 650lbs metal which was all they had and 2 300lb+ teammates and I rep'd it for 5-6 and could've maybe got 10. This was near vertical unlike the leg press that's in the gym I have begun to workout in. Theirs is more or less in a flat sitting postion and is pushed outward and the whole stack of 500lb doesn't strain me for sets of 10. My squat was also pretty high, and deadlift was kind of mediocre as I remember due to my grip not being that great. I also am pretty well evenly strong in other exercises with the guys that are pressing around 250-280lb on the bench. Sometimes even stronger. I use 150lbs 5-10 reps 3-5 sets on the cable tricep pull with the metal V, and 120 with the rope pull. I've read things about weak musculature involving the shoulders and back. I know I hurt terribly in the shoulders during the workout and I'm considerably weaker than the 250-280lb benchers in the gym in that area. Right now I'm using 55lb dumbells on the flat bench and 45lb on the incline 5x5.
    Anyways, I hear genetics play a huge deal in strength and potential. So I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to get near or over 300lbs (which isn't that strong from what I've heard)? Right now I'm on a 5x5 that I just started ahh maybe a little over 2 weeks ago. Right now I'm going 5x5 with 135 (bar and 2 45lb plates) I'm going to try to go up at least 5lbs a week or more if I'm able. I rep everything to my chest unlike some of the other guys that I'd say 2board their max (without boards though I'm just saying they're several inches between the bar and their chest during reps/1rm) I had been using the Smith Machine? or I think that's what you call it but I've changed since I read that I needed to use the regular flat bench/free weight so that it'd stimulate my nerve system more and use more muscles due to the fact that there's nothing to guide the bar. That makes alot of sense because the machine is just a bar that is guided by a pole on each side which controls movement so all you're doing is pushing it up and it takes away from the control. So is it correct to get out of that machine and to get on the regular bench? Will it be more beneficial to gains and also if I'd continued with the machine as I got stronger would I have also been able to switch to the regular bench and do near the same amount of weight or would it take away from my ability to control it? I'm also average with lat and deltiod exercises. the handled pull down machine I use 140lbs and the handled pull back I use 14lbs also.
    Lastly, I know it's a long post and I appreciate any input about the genetics involved in strength, and also the role shoulders REALLY play into the bench because I am stronger in some areas than others I'd mentioned but my bench is WAY lower so IMO I shouldn't be that far behind in the bench. Am I right? Should I just start pressing like some of the other benchers in the gym or should I stick to touching my chest with the bar? I think my form and technique is solid I do all the proper positioning of the shoulder blades and feet, as well as properly gripping the bar. I just want any advice anyone might have in this matter bc it's embarrassing being 280 with a bench of 180-190lbs at 27yrs of age. If anyone has a schedule/split that'd help me I'd also appreciate that as well. i've researched the net over and over and the information is so vague and different that I've just went 5x5 (or 3x10 on some exercises). AM I just weak in the bench or are my other numbers the numbers for someone thats 180-190lbs bench? If so why are the other guys near 300lb not using weight higher than me in most other exercises?

  2. #2
    tapnyaout is offline New Member
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    Nov 2009

    Training increases

    Well, progress is coming pretty rapidly. Took two days off came back yesterday with a ME on chest/triceps.
    I added 5lbs on my bench 5x5, taking it to 140
    10lbs on cable tricep pulls taking that total to 160.
    took the butterflies w/ cables up to 80lb got 2 sets and felt shoulder pain, dropped 10 on each side finished with 3 sets of 8.
    On the incline I added 20lbs using the smith machine (which I hate)
    I kept the same set on dumbell incline going 45lbers for 5x5 adding extra reps here and there each set.
    No flat bench dumbells.
    I also didn't struggle using the sit down tricep machine @ 125lbs as I barely got them last time but I did 3 sets of 8, and I'll move that up next week along with flat/incline dumbells.
    I did one set of roped triceps 120x10 easily.
    Close grip bench 3x10 and 90lbs on the smith easily.
    Today I did shoulder, lats, and only a little bicep because I'm lacking more there and not seeing the improvements because I've not did a hard bicep day so day after tomorow I'll strap up and take on the curls.
    Anyways TODAY
    Warmed up some.
    shoulder dumbells. went from 30's to 35's 5x2 sets 6x3 sets
    Front raises 25lbers 3x8
    side raises 25lbers 3x8
    Behind the neck pulls downs 3x10 using 110lbs (should've increased to 120 but didn't) so only added 10lbs since last week
    Sitting lat pull back with straight bar pulling to the neck 1 set 150x5
    shoulder press machine added 15lbs went 5x4
    Sitting lat pull back machine w/chest pad twisting curl grip 5x3 @ 140lbs (no increased btu could've)
    Sitting lat Pull DOWN twisting curl grip 5x5 @ 155 a 15lb increase
    Small bicep workout as follows
    sitting preacher curl w/ 55lbs 2x10 10lb increase since last week
    sitting bench curls 25lbs 2x10
    zottoman curls 1x10 w/25 5lb increase from last week
    hammer curls 1x10 35lbs
    Iso curls 25lbs 1x10 each arm.
    over the bench curls 1x10 35lbs
    So IMPROVEMENT has been prevalent.

  3. #3
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    1. Stop using the smith machine. It's not going to help you at all. It's for body builders and people with injuries.

    2. I think you might be over training. The workout you posted under "TODAY", is way to much...if you want to get your bench up you should focus on powerlifting and assisting exercises.

    Stay away from machines whenever possible, always use freeweights unless the exercise specifically requires a machine.
    Last edited by Nooomoto; 12-02-2009 at 11:25 AM.

  4. #4
    quarry206's Avatar
    quarry206 is offline Senior Member
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    The world in my head.
    Nooomoto is right. no smith (or limited) and don't over train nor work heavy every week.

    the workouts that Doc_sus has as sticky's on this board are great workouts...

    in 2006 when i switched over to powerlifting i used those workouts for my bench and now have had plenty of 2.25 to 2.5 times body weight lifts..

  5. #5
    tapnyaout is offline New Member
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    hey thanks guys, thing that causes me to do so much in the weight room is my muscular endurance. It's the genetic gift from my family; whereas strength isn't. Lastnight I did legs. 3x8 squats. 2z20 calf raises using leg press. 3x8 legpress and 3x8 deadlift
    wow am I sore. I used to love lower body days back in high school...mannn o mannn my back is a lil stiff today..
    Tonight I might do some cardio, and then tomorrow return and do arms..

    I got a quick ?
    I know apparently I've did too much in my workout. But I just don't think I can go any heavier because my last set is a killer and the last 1-2-3 reps is almost failure. So with that being said why do I feel like I'm not doing enough? I mean a 4-5 exercise day at the gym probably wouldn't take me 20-30 mins and I don't have any spot so I have to do weight that I know I can do and progressively raise weight KNOWING I've gotta get it..

  6. #6
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    Squats, leg presses and deadlifts in the same session? That's overtraining dude. You need to learn to better manage your workouts, if you're looking for big numbers. When powerlifting, you don't need 8 reps...1-3 heavy reps is where you're supposed to be at. Check out Westside Barbell, EliteFTS and other powerlifting sites for further clarification.

    Your workouts shouldn't last more than an hour at the most, beyond that your just setting yourself back.

  7. #7
    tapnyaout is offline New Member
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    Nov 2009
    Bench Press Max of 225lbs (actually 2 reps)
    180lb Shoulder Press Max.

    I gained near 50lbs on bench, and like 80 on shoulder press. I'm not taking any strong supplements besides a very basic PUMP by BodyFortress (NOS Pump) and whey protein by BodyFortress; along with a cleaner diet protein based with minimal carbs and fats.

    I'll post corresponding pictures when I've got time to take and label them and I'll continue this thread in the appropriate journal section.

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