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  1. #1
    Cubanito17's Avatar
    Cubanito17 is offline Member
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    DE day 5/19 (best one yet!!!!)

    Hey guys since I can't do legs b/c of pulled hammie. I figured I'd focus more on upper body since my bench was kinda laggin anyway. It should only be 3 weeks I HOPE.

    Anyway I havn't lifted since tues last week so i thought today was going to be a shitty day(I slept til 1:30pm and ate once a mcdonald double chesseburger before lifting). Been having probs with same ex so it's been fucking up my system.

    I did DE bench 155X8X3 speed best was 2.11sec worst was 2.57. So speed was great.
    then flat tate presses(i'm gifted in these but never to this extent)
    1X8 60#DB warm up
    1X8 70#DB felt lighter than normal so I went up
    1X8 80#DB felt good and they looked FAST EVEN with a pause at bottom
    INCREDIBLY 1X8 90#DB had the WHOLE gym watching me b/c I started YELLING AND GRUNTING LIKE A FUCKIN PSYCHO after 5th rep
    (that was my best ever my PR on tate presses WAS 75#DB for 2 sets of 8 b/c 2 weeks ago I failed on 80's on 6th rep)
    then did partial incline press with 155X8, 185X8 205X6(failed on 7)
    then front,side,rear raises (6each)3sets 15#DB
    shrugs(this was crazy) 315X5(warm up) 405X5, 455X5, 495X5, (got a wild hair up my ass for some reason) 585X5(had trouble like a BITCH to pause the last 2 for a mississippi but I got them)

    then I already posted but did recovery for my hammie 3 sets of 20 seated leg curl with 10lbs. paused at the bottom for a slight second on each rep

  2. #2
    RCK's Avatar
    RCK is offline Junior Member
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    awesome do the partial inclines feel?do you just stop the bar in the air or use boards.......

  3. #3
    Ermantroudt's Avatar
    Ermantroudt is offline Associate Member
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    Up in the D
    HOLY SHIT! THAT IS A SERIOUS ASS WORKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. #4
    cdog's Avatar
    cdog is offline Associate Member
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    Great brother ................

  5. #5
    Cubanito17's Avatar
    Cubanito17 is offline Member
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    RCK the partials FEEL AWESOME bro. what I do is right before I start using my tris I do like my first rep all the way once i start feeling my tris on the other ones I stop there. Not locking out ALL the way puts ALOT more stress on the chest and I feel it all the way to fri when I do these.

    ERMAN thanks man I just had the rage of my ex pissing me off. To those that have known me know i'm gifted in tate presses. I can't wait til I can use 100's. SADthing is I prob couldn't DB press them right now for chest but I can tate press them. GO FIGURE

    Cdog thanks man

    To all sorry about the BS wit my ex girl and shit. BUt HEY it's the most motivation i've had to liftin a WHILE.

  6. #6
    RCK's Avatar
    RCK is offline Junior Member
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    cool,i'l give those a try this friday......

  7. #7
    Big Presser is offline Junior Member
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    Denver CO
    Cubanito... awesome job bro! How old are you and what are your best lifts? Sounds like youre doing fucking great... keep it up!


  8. #8
    Cubanito17's Avatar
    Cubanito17 is offline Member
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    RCK hit em up bro I LOVE EM.

    BIG Presser. My lifts are actually not that great.
    i'm 18 years old 5 9 210lbs(11%BFaround there) SQdone in gym best 365X5with belt. BP 1 board close grip 335 4 board 365(past 2 weeks best) DL 535(with belt and knee wraps, this is how I pulled my hammie)

    The reason they are all gym lifts is b/c Jun 14 I was suppose to do a meet BUT I PULLED MY FUCKING hammie so I can't until I recover from it.

    I don't know how to use BP shirts. I have 3 one single frantz denim, 1 inzer double denim, and 1 inzer single poly they are ALL hand me downs and I can't use them.

    I have 2 suits one is a 32(too small) and the other a 36(too big). SO for equipment i'm screwed. so my lifts in a meet will be raw. Unless I either cut weight for suits or try and gain some(which is hard right now under stress). And for shirts I have to figure out what the hell i'm doing in them but no one in town knows what the hell a BP shirt is.

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