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  1. #1
    jrose15 is offline New Member
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    Dutasteride Question

    Does anyone know if taking more than the recommended dosage (0.5 mg ED) of dutasteride will be "more effective" to combat MPB? (Or maybe it would be counter effective?)
    Such as taking 1 mg ED or 1.5 mg ED, etc. while on cycle? Thanks in advance ....

  2. #2
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    It is not worth it. Cost being one reason, side effects also go up on more. .5mg a day is going to reduce a ton of dht, I will see if I can find an old graph showing up to 2.5 mg I believe with a comparison against 5mg proscar. Remember Avodart came out in 2002, there are no long term health studies. I would stick to .5mg a day or even every other day due to long half life. I would also recommend if you have not used it before that you start with proscar 1mg daily for 12 months, see results, if you are not happy then try avodart.

    Proscar has ben around since 1992, and has large scale 10 year health studies done at 5mg daily, when the hair loss dose is 1mg.

  3. #3
    sp9's Avatar
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    This isn't the one I was thinking of, but it is something to look at:

  4. #4
    sp9's Avatar
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    Scientists have evaluated the effectiveness of Dutasteride at different daily dosage, ranging from 0.01 mg, 0.05 mg, 0.5 mg, 2.5 mg, and 5.0 mg per day. It was found that the highest suppression of DHT was achieved with 2.5 mg or 5.0 mg per day. At a daily dosage of 2.5 mg or 5.0 mg, Dutasteride suppresses close to 100% of the DHT whereas 5.0 mg daily dosage of Finasteride only suppresses close to 70% of the DHT. According to the graph provided by GSK, the level of DHT suppression does not seem to different significantly between 2.5 mg and 5.0 mg.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Dutasteride Question-dutas5argraph3.gif  

  5. #5
    jrose15 is offline New Member
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    Thanks Sp9 for putting forth the effort on my behalf ...
    Though it seems based on that graph that even doubling the dosage to 1.0 would assist some? As you said, with cost-benefit analysis side effects et al it's not worth jumping from 0.5 to 1.0 ...
    I've been on propecia now for a couple months - when I start my cycle was going stop the propecia - switch to duta i'll stick with the 0.5 and start using topical rogaine as well ...
    I'll look into the proscar as well - thanks again for the insight.

  6. #6
    sp9's Avatar
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    You will find proscar 5mg tabs much cheaper than the 1 mg propecia on a per mg basis, assuming you were using the name brand. You really are not going to see what you fully get out of proscar/propecia for maybe 12 months. Think about the hair cycle it takes months to go through. So if a new hair started a growth cycle 2 months ago, it may just be protruding 1/2 inch out of the scalp and will still grow for several more months before the growth cycle stops and the hair is detached and a new one starts and pushes the old out of the way. You have to go through a few hair cycles before you see the full effect. Luckily all the hairs on your head are timed differently for when they start and stop the growth cycle. Starting Avodart can cause a growth cycle to be caused on a massive scale even when swithcing from propecia. The greater reduction in dht spurs more hairs to immediatley start growing. This is a good sign, but because a higher % of hairs fall out for new ones to make their way, you actually look worse in the mirror for a period of time. I really started to see great things in the mirror from avodart at about the 6 month mark. Months 2-4 I did have to work through the shedding period and my hair looked worse during that time.

  7. #7
    jrose15 is offline New Member
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    Yeah, I know thats how it works with the growing cycle - it will get worse before it gets better! Thats scary!
    When you get 5 mg Avodart, people will cut the pill into fourths right? So each dose will have 1.25 mg duta ...
    But duta you only need to take 0.5 mg? I don't understand the difference, wouldn't you also have to take 1.25 of duta? Maybe I'm missing something

  8. #8
    sp9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrose15
    Yeah, I know thats how it works with the growing cycle - it will get worse before it gets better! Thats scary!
    When you get 5 mg Avodart, people will cut the pill into fourths right? So each dose will have 1.25 mg duta ...
    But duta you only need to take 0.5 mg? I don't understand the difference, wouldn't you also have to take 1.25 of duta? Maybe I'm missing something
    A little confusing. Avodart (the true brand name) comes in .5mg gel capsules

    Proscar comes at 5mg that I used to split into 4 pieces and take 1.25 mg a day. Trying to split it into 5 pieces was way too much of a pain in the rear.

  9. #9
    jrose15 is offline New Member
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    OK true ... so take the liquid duta from ARR orally 0.5 mg/day and leave it at that bottom line ... thanks again

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