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  1. #1
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    Arrow First Time on Clen (Results and Notes)

    personal stats:
    age 24
    height 6'2
    weight 217
    bf 12%
    diet 6 meals a day 2 of which are whey protein shakes
    take multivitamins
    drink about 1 gallon of water or more
    weight train mon wed fri (with light cardio)
    cardio and ab workout tues thursday saturday

    Whats up brothers, start Clen and taurine a week ago now. ramped up like this

    day 1: 40 mcg
    day 2: 80 mcg
    day 3: 100 mcg
    day 4-currently day 9 120 mcg

    i will be running the clen for 6 straight weeks (seems to be the general consensus) and i have been taking taurine at 1000 mg a day thus far. already have the benadryl for week three


    1. stomach is starting to become more defined
    2. neck is tighting up very nicely
    3. shoulders are shredding
    4. pretty much can really 'see the fat burning'


    1. is this how fast this stuff normally works? if so kick ass and thnk you ARR

    2. any guys experience insatiable appetite increase? if so what do you guys do? any tricks? is this a bad thing? any input?

    3. iv'e read that some guys experience huge jumps in the resting heart rate '160 bpm' for instance which actually sounds terribly unhealthy to me. and according to my dr. they should be visiting theirs if they're truly hitting 160. my normal rhr is 64 bpm and on the clen it goes to 72 this is normal right? my target bpm during my workout is easy to achieve and thts all tht i should be looking for right? i mean some of these guys on here are talking about doing cardio while there standing still, is tht what clen is for? sounds more like crystal meth to me, lol.

    3. any suggestions at all about clen guys more then helpful. poured through all the stickys,

    >>>just wanted to post my experience with the product, and if anyone is interested let me know and i'll be more then happy to post results as the weeks pass<<<

    Thanks LIon and ARR you got one happy bro here

  2. #2
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Will let you know on Monday...starting my first ever clen cycle. I got the dieting and cutting down and have always done it with a simple ECA. This clen should do the trick.

  3. #3
    BillyBob's Avatar
    BillyBob is offline Junior Member
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    Hey bro, any update?

  4. #4
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    Still going strong will update later today. Quick note, its probably mental but hit 300 on bench and 165 straight bar curling. I am not sure if I would have been able to do that. Any thoughts?

  5. #5
    ndmand4u's Avatar
    ndmand4u is offline New Member
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    Have you had any sides at all. My brother just started clen last week and had to stop due to severe headaches. Just wanted to see if you have had any problems like that.

  6. #6
    Big_Flex's Avatar
    Big_Flex is offline Junior Member
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    I get some headaches too but it doesn't stop me. The thing that gets to me the worst is the elevated heart rate. I mean it doesn't go to a dangerous level but it just worries me like I'm about to get a heart attack, lol. But I NEVER take clen longer than 2-3 tops just for that reason.

  7. #7
    ndmand4u's Avatar
    ndmand4u is offline New Member
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    do you keep track of your pulse? what does it get up to?

  8. #8
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    Well guys sorry I was on Spring Break for a bit. To answer the questions I occasionally have gotten a migraine. piercing pain in my temples but its fast an it goes away. it has happened about 4 times over the past 5 weeks. i dont have any other real side effects. my resting heart rate does not elevate at all. its always right around 63 beats per minute. now when i hit the gym it definately spikes (around 150-160) without really working at it. back to the side effect question you know bros i cant explain how insatiable my appetite is. ill wake up in the middle of the night an need a protein shake. honestly to feel as if i have eaten enough i have to eat about 4 eggs, slice of whole wheat bread, a potato, 6 piecers of bacon, skim milk, water, and a bowl of oatmeal and thts just for breakfast. i could literally eat that much 6 times a day. i havent seen anyone else have this response to it.

  9. #9
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    I get starving while i'm on clen too....
    might just be response to your body's elevated calorie burning.

    I just try to eat every couple of hours and it keeps it at bay, instead of big huuuge meals b/c if I let myself I feel liek I could eat 2-3K calories in one meal a couple times a day no problem.

  10. #10
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    What's up guys? entering the last week here, and overall i am satisfied. For all the guys out there who say that they see no difference between using cardio or not using cardio there nuts!!! I swear i can see a difference the following morning if i run cardio hard the previous day. Saw some old friends over spring break. They havent seen me in about 6 weeks or so and they think I look huge. This is gonna sound ridiculous im sure but my biceps are 2 inches larger then they were 6 weeks ago and my chest one inch. I havent lost any weight in fact I have gained about 8 pounds. My fat is definatley going down too. Gotta say definately love the clen . Any of you guys know how often you can run it? and with that I'm off to the track for round 2 for the day. Leave one guys if this is helpful at all and if not leave a comment as to what you want to see.

  11. #11
    suckysucky's Avatar
    suckysucky is offline Associate Member
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    good job man

    Quote Originally Posted by D00723
    What's up guys? entering the last week here, and overall i am satisfied. For all the guys out there who say that they see no difference between using cardio or not using cardio there nuts!!! I swear i can see a difference the following morning if i run cardio hard the previous day. Saw some old friends over spring break. They havent seen me in about 6 weeks or so and they think I look huge. This is gonna sound ridiculous im sure but my biceps are 2 inches larger then they were 6 weeks ago and my chest one inch. I havent lost any weight in fact I have gained about 8 pounds. My fat is definatley going down too. Gotta say definately love the clen. Any of you guys know how often you can run it? and with that I'm off to the track for round 2 for the day. Leave one guys if this is helpful at all and if not leave a comment as to what you want to see.
    Im happy for ya. Just got a question. Were u drinking when using clen ?

  12. #12
    hiloracerboy84 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    Im happy for ya. Just got a question. Were u drinking when using clen?
    whats with the question? haha. anyway i was using lions clen for 3 weeks before this and would like to say that it does work. ive had good results and saw the fat slowly melting away. might have been psychological but seems to have driven me more when i was doing the dreaded cardio too. weight stayed same but fat decreased leading me to believe the claims of it being a slight anabolic in the first few weeks. might have been psychological again but i did 4 sets of 10 with 225 and burned out on my 5th set at 15 reps on bench yesterday which was a nice surprise. note that i was using upwards of 300mcg in the last week because i wasnt getting the same effects as before, even with benadryl. RHR is usually in the 60's but i liked to keep it at about 100 during the day while on clen. no sides like headaches or hunger for me....well see how this next "cycle" of clen goes that im starting tomorrow.

  13. #13
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    yes drank on st. pat's day (100 % irish) so it was tough to avoid. i would say though that is the one regret. id drink a beer with my cheat meal during the week and id have to say dont even do that. with the cheat meal your really cheating yourself. stay away from the alcohol 100% of the time. my next cycle i wont even touch a beer. ill be studying for finals anyways so it wont be a big deal. funny side note, woke up at about 4 am and literally popped a protein bar like a tic tac. i couldnt even control it, it was like flying on auto pilot.

  14. #14
    Bench Machine's Avatar
    Bench Machine is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiloracerboy84
    whats with the question? haha. anyway i was using lions clen for 3 weeks before this and would like to say that it does work. ive had good results and saw the fat slowly melting away. might have been psychological but seems to have driven me more when i was doing the dreaded cardio too. weight stayed same but fat decreased leading me to believe the claims of it being a slight anabolic in the first few weeks. might have been psychological again but i did 4 sets of 10 with 225 and burned out on my 5th set at 15 reps on bench yesterday which was a nice surprise. note that i was using upwards of 300mcg in the last week because i wasnt getting the same effects as before, even with benadryl. RHR is usually in the 60's but i liked to keep it at about 100 during the day while on clen. no sides like headaches or hunger for me....well see how this next "cycle" of clen goes that im starting tomorrow.
    Sounds good ill be starting a clen cycle very soon thanks for information.

  15. #15
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D00723
    yes drank on st. pat's day (100 % irish) so it was tough to avoid. i would say though that is the one regret. id drink a beer with my cheat meal during the week and id have to say dont even do that. with the cheat meal your really cheating yourself. stay away from the alcohol 100% of the time. my next cycle i wont even touch a beer. ill be studying for finals anyways so it wont be a big deal. funny side note, woke up at about 4 am and literally popped a protein bar like a tic tac. i couldnt even control it, it was like flying on auto pilot.
    Oo aight ya I was jsut wondering cause you said you were on Spring Break and I automaticallly thought Cancun and shit but now that i read it again i noticed that you probally jsut met coming home from college.

  16. #16
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    yeh you got it bro skipped out on south padre didnt really want to throw all my hard work out the window. friends tht went down came back home lost muscle mass and were 10 lbs heavier. screw tht shit. i love vacations but not like that.

  17. #17
    thegeneral is offline Junior Member
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    any results on current BF%??? im curious how much clen may have decreased it.

  18. #18
    chipghent is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    I get starving while i'm on clen too....
    might just be response to your body's elevated calorie burning.

    I just try to eat every couple of hours and it keeps it at bay, instead of big huuuge meals b/c if I let myself I feel liek I could eat 2-3K calories in one meal a couple times a day no problem.

    I have the same problem. According to the sticky, clen is supposed to curb your hunger. I end up feeling like I could eat a side of beef for supper and start looking for dessert. What's that all about.

  19. #19
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chipghent
    I have the same problem. According to the sticky, clen is supposed to curb your hunger. I end up feeling like I could eat a side of beef for supper and start looking for dessert. What's that all about.
    I have never ecpeirenced Clen making me not hungery.

  20. #20
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    kind of sucks, but I am also on a prop / tren cycle at the moment so that could be effecting the hunger too.

    but I certainly don't think clen blunts hunger at all. makes my fork shake when i'm trying ot shovel food down my throat... but that's about it.

  21. #21
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    well bros im done with my first clen cycle, went well over all ill check out my bf tomorrow, im guesing at down 2 pts, which for me is fine. but one thing tht i totally forgot about side wise is the SWEATING. Holy Sh#%!!! its tremendous i would be sitting through class and literally melting in a room tht was set at 65 degrees. its disgusting not gonna lie. not sure how you guys take it if you actually need to worry about appearance. i mean i could sweat arm rings through a hooded sweatshirt. so my suggestion is tht anyone who wants to give it a shot try it over the next couple months cuz if you hit it in the summer your done. itll be like taking a bath all day long. and getbigg your def right about it not blunting hunger at all. pm me sometime id like to hear about your cycle if you get a chance.

  22. #22
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    D00723 I tried to send this via PM but I don't think you have enough posts to send /recieve them. so here it is.

    My cycle consists of
    100mg Test Prop EOD days 1-80

    100mg Tren Ace EOD days 1-40 (I have 1.5 tren injections left) so like 4 more days or so.

    50mg Winny ED days 51 - 83

    Like I said i'm about half way done with my cycle. about to finish up the Tren, and will be starting the winny shortly there after.

    I ran Clen the first week, had to stop for various reasons nothing serious... took two weeks off, ran it another two weeks, which I finish up tomorrow.
    Will take another two weeks off, and then run two weeks of an ECA Stack. I'm going to save the Clen to run as soon as I start PCT, for its anti-catabolic effect in hopes to retain more of my gains.

    I am happy as can be with this cycle. I have gained a fair amount of strength mostly noticeable in my bench, weight has stayed the same, but had a positive body composition change. Look leaner and harder.
    I did a Test E 600mg EW 1-11, Deca 400mg EW 1-10 cycle before for reference, and this cycle I have enjoyed much much more.

    Anyways bro - let me know if you have any other questions just tried to lay out the basics there.


  23. #23
    Dipolognon is offline New Member
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    Good shit guys. I ordered some yesterday from AR and I seriously cant wait. I'm 220lbs atm about 25% BF.. 24yrs old, 5'7. I'll be posting my results as well.

  24. #24
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dipolognon View Post
    Good shit guys. I ordered some yesterday from AR and I seriously cant wait. I'm 220lbs atm about 25% BF.. 24yrs old, 5'7. I'll be posting my results as well.
    Hey dude,
    How's it going? Glad to see that you are inspired to get yourself in better shape, however I would just like to offer a little bit of advice that I think will help you reach and maintain your goal size/weight much faster! Hope you don't mind. With your stats it is very apparent that you need allot of help with your diet. If you take the clen at this point you will be setting yourself up for a fail. You will be putting undo strain on your already overworked heart. Go to the diet section, post up your stats for jamyjamj and he will set you up with something GREAT! Stick with that for a few months, watch your BF melt off and you will see that you have a long way to go before you need to start introducing things like clen. Once you get down to about 15% BF you can use it to get a little boost, but even then I don't think you need it. I used to be 6'1" 240+ at 25%+ BF and can tell you that if you do it right and slow it will become a part of your lifestyle and you will slowly learn all the things you need to learn to take your body anywhere you want. I am currently 6'1" 205 at 11% BF and that is after a lean bulk. I have been as low as 8% and that is when you want to start thinking about adding in the clen. Diet/Training/Cardio/Rest will take care of everything for you! If you jump straight in to the Clen right now you will see little results with added sides.

  25. #25
    Dipolognon is offline New Member
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    hey thanks cali. I already posted on the diet forum yesterday and just waiting on Jamy's reply.. Have you taken Clen before?

  26. #26
    CaliPhotog's Avatar
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    Yes I have. I used it a few times actually. I usually throw it in at the end of a cut to speed things back up when they stall out, or I feel that calorie restriction and macros are already cut back significantly enough and I don't want to drop them even more. I have had mixed results. Well, I shouldn't say mixed results... it always works. However, once I got the most terrible cramps ever! I seriously thought I was going to pass out. Both calves, both quads, both hams, and abdomen. It held me hard for about 2 minutes! DUDE! It was sooo bad! haha I was taking Taurine at 6mg ED, ellectrolyte replacement, potassium, and drinking 1 1/2 gallons of water so I don't know what the heck that was all about. Then 1 time it significantly impaired my ability to do cardio at the high intensity that I like to use. Weird cause 1 time it helped my cardio and then another time it impaired it. ?? Don't know what's up with that.

  27. #27
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    How about you guys stop bumping and posting advice on a three year old thread. Start a new one

  28. #28
    Dipolognon is offline New Member
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    why not, its the same stuff. dates dont matter

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