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  1. #1
    Paulywalnuts446 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2005

    dutasteride question..

    ok i started my cycle...

    1 - 13 test 500 mg
    1 - 12 EQ 400 mg
    1 - 10 fina 100 mg eod

    and liquidex and nlova and dutasteride, ok im taking the dutasteride as a precaution, so i dont lose my hair, can it be taken like that without any side effects, like im not loosing my hair but just incase i want to take it , will it hurt any gains or anything like that?

  2. #2
    Paulywalnuts446 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2005
    also how many pumps of each?? per day?

  3. #3
    Paulywalnuts446 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2005

  4. #4
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Personally I would suggest you take 1mg finasteride (proscar/propecia) if you ar just using it while on cycle.

    Why? Because Dutasteride/avodart is so good at it's job there are a high percentage of people who it imediatley initiates a new hair growth cycle for an overwhelming amount of hairs.

    Why is that bad? Because normally you lose about 100 hairs a day because of a new growth cycle. That way your hair does not look thin as the old hair detaches and the new one pushes it out of the way. Many peoplle using avodart at the beginning experience thousands of hairs going into a new growth cycle at the same time, this again it becuase it is doing a great job, the problem is when the old hairs fall out at that quantity you actually look like your hair is getting worse. I had this happen, it was also reported by many people on those message boards.

    So if you are using it as a precaution it would be better to use the weaker finasteride because "shedding" is much less common.

    If on the other hand you have a male pattern baldness problem and want to stay on a dht blocker for years then go for it. I would still recommend you start with finasteride because it has long term 10 year large studies proving it's safety while dutasteride has only been on the us market for about 3.5 years.

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