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  1. #1
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Question A Nub Ready to Hit the Clen/T3.. Need Advice on Cycles!!!

    Sup All...

    I am Ready to Hit Lion/ARR Up for Some Research Supplies... Namely Clen and T3... It Seems that a 6 Week Period is the Common Usage for the Clen As long as the Benny and/or L–Taurine is Used in Conjunction... Well what about the T3???? If Taking in Correlation with the Clen How would I Cycle the Two!!??

    I Only have the Listed Cycles to Follow as a Guideline... However NoOne Seems to Be in the Same Situation as MySelf...

    My Current Stats:

    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 280lb
    BF%: ?
    Health: All in All Great (Save the Weight)
    Diet: Atkins (Or the Like) High-Protein / Very Low Carbs 20-30g/Day
    (Working Great)
    Work Out Regiment: Tue/Wed/Fri/Sat > Cardio 45Min Per / Light Weight

    Could You Guys PLEASE Help Me Construct a Safe Cycle for the Clen and T3... I have Done My Best to Understand the Two But I still fell that I lack the Knowledge to Create My Own...

    Please Help!!!

    Your Assistance, Knowledge and Expertise Would Be Greatly Appreciated!!!!

    Thx Guys!!!!


  2. #2
    hiloracerboy84 is offline Junior Member
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    5 10 @ 280? how much fat u carrying? im going to go out on a limb and say that youre carrying a bunch. u should naturally try to get down to about 15% before using chems. imo. BUT if you really want to use them, start at say, 40mcg/day and increase dosage till youve got sides in check. keep going up till you get to about 160mcg maybe then stay there w/ the benadryl. i dont use t3 so hopefully someone else can inform u

  3. #3
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up


    Thanks for the Info AND Concerned.... Yeah the BF is Up there Thanks to a Car Accident.... Those Kind of Things will Do that to Ya... Taking the Clen /T3 may be Better Used at a Lower BF% BUT right now the Help that it Would Offer would Deff be Appreciated!!!! I am Starting to See a Plateau in My Weight Loss and I dont want to get Overly DISCOURAGED.... I would Rather Take a Supplement like Clen/T3 THAN Some Generic OTC Fat Burner Due to the Fact that I Can Come Here for Help and Info Being that Clen/T3 is the Most Widely Used Fat Burning Supplement Here...

    Again hiloracerboy84... Thanks for the Post!!!!


  4. #4
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Come on Guys... 20 Hits and Just ONE Post... I Need this Help and Info PLEASE!!!!!


    You are All Invited to My Wake.... For Tea and Scones... Fat/Sugar Free and Low-Carb of corse


  5. #5
    biglouie250's Avatar
    biglouie250 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if your weight loss is plateauing maybe you need to get your diet in check. check the cutting sticky at the top of the diet forum. cardio 6 days a week in the AM on an EMPTY stomache for 45 minutes. i know thats not what you wanted to hear but it will work out better for you in the long run. Even when i cut i manage 100g of carbs a day no problem thanks to the diet forum, it really is invaluable.

    if your dead set on doing the clen /t3 cycle do a search for "clen diary" there are dozens of them on the board with members experiences, results, etc. Also look up "clen handbook". I dont like the idea of someone with your weight (not many would agree with me) using a chemical that makes you more jittery, raises body temperature and elevates heart rate. your heart already has stress on it due to your weight, why put more on it when you can do it naturally?

  6. #6
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the Post Bro!!! I have and Will Again Check out the Sticky... I will Try the search for the "Clen Diary" aswell...
    As for My Heart Rate... It is VERY Good... I Reiterate Very Good!!! I DO NOT have High Blood Pressure... At this time I Do Not Recall My BP But Again it is NORMAL... I am Not Concerned or Better to say "Too Concerned" about that... I May Be Fat and with a High BF% but the rest of My Physiology is Surprisingly 100% or Close there of...

    Again Bro.... Thx!!!!


  7. #7
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Hey Guys what about Someone Chiming in on the T3 Usage... PLEASE!!!!!


  8. #8
    pianogman1951 is offline New Member
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    I'm in the same boat as 2F4L, only I'm 5'10" 180lbs. @ 15% bmi and want to get under 10%. I saw a cycle on Clen /T3 yesterday but I can't find it again. Could anyone help us newbies out? Thanks All

  9. #9
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by pianogman1951
    I'm in the same boat as 2F4L, only I'm 5'10" 180lbs. @ 15% bmi and want to get under 10%. I saw a cycle on Clen/T3 yesterday but I can't find it again. Could anyone help us newbies out? Thanks All

    Sup Bro... I Just about gave Up on this Thread... I fig that I would get a Little More Help... I Hope You Jump Started tis Again... lol...

    If You Find the Thread on the Clen /T3 Cycle Please Let Me Know!!!!!

    Good Luck Bro with Your Endever!!!!


  10. #10
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Bro I Did a Search again for the Clen /T3 Cycles... Found One that I Must have Missed.... Great Read from Buff87... BUT!!!!! It Calls for JUICE to Keep from LOOSING Muscle Mass While Using the T3... I Dont Know How to get The Juice OutSide of Going With Oasis and they Are So Damn Expensive so Buff87s Cycle May Not Be for Me....

    Here is the Post from Buff87>>>>>> Clen/T3 Cutting Cycle...

    Last edited by 2Fat4Luv; 03-15-2006 at 05:40 PM.

  11. #11
    Darren1968's Avatar
    Darren1968 is offline Junior Member
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    this is a 2 week cycle 2 weeks on followed by 2 weeks off & then on again, this is if you dont want take bendryl on tyhe 3rd week.

    Days -- T3 -------Clen
    1 ----20mcg ----20mcg
    2 ----40mcg ----40mcg
    3 ----60mcg ----60mcg
    4 ----60mcg ----80mcg
    5 ----60mcg ----100mcg
    6 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    7 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    8 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    9 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    10 ---60mcg ----100mcg
    11 ---60mcg ----80mcg
    12 ---60mcg ----60mcg
    13 ---40mcg ----40mcg
    14 ---20mcg ----20mcg

    get Taurine tabs & use 5g a day to keep cramps at bay

    only up the dosage if you are ok with sides.

  12. #12
    pianogman1951 is offline New Member
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    I 've read that if you keep your protein intake high you'll not lose that much muscle and if your doses are within a reasonable range. Also hit the weights hard.

  13. #13
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up


    Thanks Bro for the Cycle!!!! Did You get the Results You Were Looking for???? Did You See Much Lean Weight or Muscle Loss???? Did You Use Lions Liquid Clen and/Or T3 for Your Research??? What was Your BF% and Weight Pre Cycle and Post Cycle????

    I am Now Reading that There is Considerable Muscle Loss with the T3 if Not Cycled with a Test or the Like.... I Can Not get Juice at the Moment So is there Some OTC I could Take In Place of the Gear??? What Did You Use if Anything to Deal with this Issue????

    Thanks Again Bro!!!!

    Last edited by 2Fat4Luv; 03-16-2006 at 05:53 PM.

  14. #14
    OllllO is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Fat4Luv

    Thanks Bro for the Cycle!!!! Did You get the Results You Were Looking for???? Did You See Much Lean Weight or Muscle Loss???? Did You Use Lions Liquid Clen and/Or T3 for Your Research??? What was Your BF% and Weight Pre Cycle and Post Cycle????

    I am Now Reading that There is Considerable Muscle Loss with the T3 if Not Cycled with a Test or the Like.... I Can Not get Juice at the Moment So is there Some OTC I could Take In Place of the Gear??? What Did You Use if Anything to Deal with this Issue????

    Thanks Again Bro!!!!

    woot, yeah, i would like to see the answers to that also. tia.

  15. #15
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Come On Guys.... WE Need Answers!!!!!!!!


  16. #16
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Come On Guys... Why So Slow in Getting Replies!?!?!?!?


  17. #17
    hiloracerboy84 is offline Junior Member
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    i havent used t3 before and was thinking about maybe incorporating it this time. the posts ive read on it make it sound more complicated than just taking certain doses a day. i dont like the idea of messing up my thyroid..haha. anyway any clen vets chime in. 2fat4luv i would just recommend getting your diet in check first. you dont want to become dependant on chemicals to aid your loss. imo results are 80% diet...and i thought mine was good for a long time, but boy was i wrong. a few changes here and there as little as timing and stuff can even make a big difference. plus, doin it by yourself is a good way to feel better about yourself vs. knowing you had the aid of chemicals. either way its up to you, but im just giving you my thoughts. obviously youve got a lot to lose so it shouldnt be too hard. it starts getting harder when say you get down to 15% or so, which is why people recommended starting it once youve reached that level. BUT if the man wants to do it, to him his own. shine some light on this people! i want to know about t3 too

  18. #18
    Darren1968's Avatar
    Darren1968 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2Fat4Luv
    Thanks Bro for the Cycle!!!! Did You get the Results You Were Looking for???? Did You See Much Lean Weight or Muscle Loss???? Did You Use Lions Liquid Clen and/Or T3 for Your Research??? What was Your BF% and Weight re Cycle and Post Cycle????
    I am Now Reading that There is Considerable Muscle Loss with the T3 if Not Cycled with a Test or the Like.... I Can Not get Juice at the Moment So is there Some OTC I could Take In Place of the Gear??? What Did You Use if Anything to Deal with this Issue????
    Thanks Again Bro!!!!
    Hi mate...Sorry for slow response....not been online for a bit.
    I know people who have done the cycle i put up & they lost around 10lbs in 6/8weeks of that still need to train & eat correctly while doing this wont happen just sat on your butt eating while on the cycle. up your protien intake so you dont loose too much muscle with the T3

    I havent done this cycle but i have my T3/Clen at hand, I am on a DNP cycle at the moment


  19. #19
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    2 fat 4 luv listen bro not trying to pop the balloon but i would def stay away from clen if your at that size. whts your bp look like or your cholesterol for that matter? rhr, etc... sorry really not trying to be a prick but your about 60 lbs heavier then me and 3 inches shorter. your bf is probably very high which can dramatically be shaved down by dieting. clen might not be the answer right now for what your trying to do.

  20. #20
    D00723 is offline New Member
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    oh and absolutely do not touch T3 without reading about it. from your stats you'll turn into putty.

  21. #21
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the Concern... I am Currently on the Atkins Diet... It is Working real Good for Me... I am Dramatically Watching My Carb Intake... Not Sure on Grams (Dont Know how to Count them.. lol) But real Low!!!! Takes alot out of Me When at Work or Gym... I am going to Start Optimum Nutrition: Complete Protein Diet in Conjunction with the Atkins...

    Heres a copy of the Stats:

    Complete Protein Diet is a revolutionary HIGH PROTEIN/ LOW CARBOHYDRATE meal replacement containing 35 g of High Quality Protein, a balanced Vitamin and Mineral profile, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, and only 3 g of carbs! It also comes with a 44 page manual including shake recipes, whole food recipes, a workout plan and much, much more!!

    Each serving contains:
    Calories 200
    Calories from Fat 45
    Total Fat 5 g
    Saturated Fat 1 g
    Cholesterol 20 mg
    Total Carbohydrate 3g
    Dietary Fiber 0 g
    Sugars 1 g
    Protein 35 g
    Vitamin A 2000 I.U.
    Vitamin C 60 mg
    Vitamin D 160 I.U.
    Vitamin E 18 I.U.
    Vitamin K 40 mcg
    Thiamin 0.9 mg
    Riboflavin 0.85 mg
    Niacin 20 mg
    Vitamin B6 1.2 mg
    Folic Acid 200 mcg
    Vitamin B12 3 mcg
    Biotin 120 mcg
    Pantothenic Acid 3.7 mg
    Calcium 490 mg
    Iron 0.2 mg
    Phosphorus 290 mg
    Iodine 53.2 mcg
    Magnesium 148 mg
    Zinc 6 mg
    Selenium 30 mcg
    Copper 0.8 mg
    Manganese 0.73 mg
    Chromium 50 mcg
    Molybdenum 30 mcg
    Chloride 90 mg
    Sodium 70 mg
    Potassium 380 mg
    Choline (from Lecithin) 16 mg

    The Only Lower Low-Carb Supp is Jacks VPX:

    VPX, "The Front Runner in Sports Nutrition", was first to bring you 100% Whey Protein Isolate. In fact, VPX was the Whey Protein Isolate for the last two years! VPX's proprietary Cross-Flow Quadrafiltration technology allows us to manipulate and selectively choose specific microfractions such as, IGF-1 and IGI-II that have specific functional properties such as, stimulation of lean muscle growth. One of many other advantages of our new technology is the ability to introduce Quardrapeptide Isolates. These particular peptides stimulate the release of opiate like chemicals in the body significantly improving one's pain threshold during intense training.

    Cross-Flow Quadrafiltration technology along with di, tri, and quadrapeptide isolates are creatine biochemistry that has truly earned VPX the title of "The Front Runner in Sports Nutrition". Insist on 100% Cross-Flow Quadrafiltration Whey Protein Isolate enhanced with Whey Peptide Isolates.

    100% Whey Protein Isolate

    Cross-Flow Quadrafiltration

    Di, Tri, and Quadrapeptide Isolates

    Glutamine Peptides and Arginine

    Microfraction Selection Technology

    Cross-Flow Quadrafiltration


    Bovine Serm Albumin

    Growth Factors (IGF-I & IGFII)

    Cross Pro® Supplement Facts:
    Serving Size: 2 Scoops (~44g)
    Servings per Container: ~20.5
    Amount per Serving DV%
    Calories 160
    Total Fat 1g 1%
    Saturated Fat 0g 0%
    Cholesterol 0g 0%
    Sodium 40mg 2%
    Potassium 475mg 8%
    Total Carbohydrates 1g 0.3%
    Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
    Sugars 0g **
    Protein 41g 81%
    Vitamin A 3%
    Vitamin C 0%
    Calcium 20%
    Iron 4%
    Vitamin D 4%
    Thiamin (B1) 25%
    Riboflavin (B2) 25%
    Vitamin B6 25%

    But @ $32.14 for 2lbs WAY TOO PRICY!!!!

    I Will Also Be Taking Dandelion Root (Taraxacum Officinale)... This will Help My BAD Water Retention I have!!!! I HOPE

    I Also Ordered My Clen /T3 from ARR... Should Be On Its way!!!!!

    The reason I am in Need of Help Regarding My Weight Loss is the fact that I was in a Car Accident ( NOTE** This is Where I Gained All the Weight from!!! )... I am in SOOOOOO Much Pain Because of My Injuries that it Keeps Me from Doing More... I feel that the Supps Would Help Aid the Loss when I Can Not Push Myself...

    As for My BF and All that... Ironically I am 100% Healthy... Save that Fact that I am Now FAT

    However I have Recently Found that I have a Newly Formed Umbilical Hernia... My Belly Button has NEVER Stuck Out... Now it does... Per the Information I Located on Google it is a Umbilical Hernia.... But that is about it...

    Can Someone Help Build Me a Cycle that would Work for My Body... I Know that I have More BF than everyone Here So I would Imagine Most Cycles Would Prob Not Work for Me... Or am I Wrong???!!!???

    What Info Would You Need from Me to Help Build Me a Cycle for the Clen/T3????

    If I Get -0- Responce I will Just go with the Cycle that Darren1968 So Graciously Posted...

    Thanks Again to ALL Who has Helped Me Here in My Weight Loss Endever....

    Heres a Cookie... go Ahead... Its Fat Free...

    Oh... Sorry.....


  22. #22
    hiloracerboy84 is offline Junior Member
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    the cycle darren posted looks pretty good imo. good luck with everything and keep us posted

  23. #23
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiloracerboy84
    the cycle darren posted looks pretty good imo. good luck with everything and keep us posted

    Thanks Bro!!! Even Though I am New and All the Boards Support Means a Great Deal to Me!!!!

    Thx Again!!!


  24. #24
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Just Recved My Clen /T3... WOW!!!! Talk about Fast Shipping!!!!

    ***Thanks Lion***


  25. #25
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darren1968
    this is a 2 week cycle 2 weeks on followed by 2 weeks off & then on again, this is if you dont want take bendryl on tyhe 3rd week.

    Days -- T3 -------Clen
    1 ----20mcg ----20mcg
    2 ----40mcg ----40mcg
    3 ----60mcg ----60mcg
    4 ----60mcg ----80mcg
    5 ----60mcg ----100mcg
    6 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    7 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    8 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    9 ----60mcg ----120mcg
    10 ---60mcg ----100mcg
    11 ---60mcg ----80mcg
    12 ---60mcg ----60mcg
    13 ---40mcg ----40mcg
    14 ---20mcg ----20mcg

    get Taurine tabs & use 5g a day to keep cramps at bay

    only up the dosage if you are ok with sides.

    I Think I am Going to Utilize Darren Cycle He Posted for Me...


    If I Continue Past the Listed "Day 14" is thats is When I Should Start the Benadryl????

    How Would I Continue the Administration of the Clen/T3 AFTER "Day 14"

    Also What can I Use to Combat the Muscle Loss from the T3????

    Thxs Guys!!!!

    Last edited by 2Fat4Luv; 03-22-2006 at 05:25 PM.

  26. #26
    hiloracerboy84 is offline Junior Member
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    as for benadryl, just take 4 pills at night before bed the whole 3rd week and every 3rd week thereafter

  27. #27
    chipghent is offline New Member
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    One thing you might want to think about. Clen can dehydrate you pretty quick. And that low carb diet will also. It might not be a good combo. Cramps like a mother! Just try to eat healthy. That was one reason. Secondly clen works 10 times better with carbs in your diet. If you dont believe me, try it. While on your clen cycle eat some carbs and see if you dont start having the side effects of the clen like crazy. Your hands will start to shake, sweat like you wont believe and your heart rate will go nuts. Clen loves carbs. I know because I use it. Diet, good cardio, and clen, I went from 270 lbs to 198. First thing I did was loose that low carb diet.

  28. #28
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    Last edited by Devils Mentor; 03-23-2006 at 06:57 PM.

  29. #29
    byron_james is offline New Member
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    i am just starting a cycle myself of a t3/clen combo and have been advised on the following cycle, it is over 4 weeks i hope it is of some help

    T3 based on 20mcg tablets
    day 1 = 1 TAB
    day 2 = 2 TABS
    day 3-14 = 4 tabs
    day 15-19 = 3 tabs
    day 20-24 = 2 tabs
    day 25-27 = 1 tab
    day28-31 = 1/2 tab

    then: Clen 20 mcg tablets
    1 morning, 1 early afternoon, 1 early evening

    up the dosage if you find u can handle side affects
    Last edited by byron_james; 03-27-2006 at 12:58 PM. Reason: rest of cycle

  30. #30
    2Fat4Luv is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by byron_james
    i am just starting a cycle myself of a t3/clen combo and have been advised on the following cycle, it is over 4 weeks i hope it is of some help

    T3 based on 20mcg tablets
    day 1 = 1 TAB
    day 2 = 2 TABS
    day 3-14 = 4 tabs
    day 15-19 = 3 tabs
    day 20-24 = 2 tabs
    day 25-27 = 1 tab
    day28-31 = 1/2 tab

    then: Clen 20 mcg tablets
    1 morning, 1 early afternoon, 1 early evening

    up the dosage if you find u can handle side affects
    Bro... Thanks for the Cycle!!!! It Deff Help!!!!


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