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Thread: Letro Fatigue

  1. #1
    DavidLee14 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006

    Letro Fatigue

    I'm currently running a cycle of Test E QV @ 500mg wk. I'm into wk 4 and I started using Letro 2 wks before cycle started. Running Letro to stay dry this cycle. Letro dose has been .5 ED. No joint pains, but I feel so fatiqued. I train 4 days a week. Diet and calories are no different than any other cycle I have run. Usually by week 4 into a cycle Iam really revving intensity wise. Any one experience this fatigue using Letro through cycle.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Letro Fatigue-flexing.jpg  

  2. #2
    hiloracerboy84 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    i wasnt using mine through a cycle or anything but i was taking 1ml ed for about 6 weeks for some gyno. i had lethargy and fatigue a lot. idk if its due to depleted estrogen or what but yeah, i had the same type of experience. watch out for joint pain with this product. i used 4tbsp flax oil a day and i was good to go.

  3. #3
    DavidLee14 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    Thanks for the reply hiloracerboy84. I'm going to try a lower dose of .5mg EOD rather than ED for a couple weeks to see if I can shake the fatigue. Interesting thought you brought up about too low of estrogen. Researching that aspect.

  4. #4
    biglouie250's Avatar
    biglouie250 is offline Anabolic Member
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    how about supplementing some B complex in there. that usually gets me going, better then coffee or red bulls anyway(for me). i dont know if it will help with all day lethargy, but if your having trouble getting pumped for the gym it should help. Love the BB paraphanelia in the background, arnold pics, shakers, protein lol. good shit man.

    BTW looking big and shredded in the pic.....keep it up man!!!!
    Last edited by biglouie250; 03-09-2006 at 08:06 AM.

  5. #5
    DavidLee14 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2006
    Hey thanks bigLouie250. Alot of times I get caught up in the Lift,Eat,Sleep repeat routine that keeping focused on Energy 101 supplementing slips right past. Especially when on cycle I'm so focused on combating side effects by supplementing this for that etc... My Super Bs for energy get overlooked.
    You brought my awareness up, thanks!!!

  6. #6
    biglouie250's Avatar
    biglouie250 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jan 2004
    no problem, i forgot about them too when i had letro fatigue.....went through my supplement drawer and was like "ohhhhhhhh yea!!!"

  7. #7
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    Dec 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hey mang, looking good

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