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  1. #1
    Epic's Avatar
    Epic is offline Junior Member
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    truth on Test/Deca/Dutasteride = hairloss

    Lion, maybe you can touch on this...?

    I've done a bunch of reading on this issue, there seems to be a myth about how bad it is to use Dutasteride with test/deca cycle because of hairloss problems especially if your prone to hairloss - FALSE OR FACT?
    Some have said they've used these combigned and there hair was fine. According to "One BIG word of caution: While you are taken Deca Durabolin never ever take 5AR blockers such as Proscar/Propecia, for it would block the conversion of nandrolone to DHN in tissues such as the scalp and the prostate, resulting in hairloss and BPH"

    "However, if one takes testosterone along with a 5AR blocker such as Proscar it's not nearly that harmful for your hair. So, if you are concerned about hairloss and are taking testosterone, always use it along with Proscar. Take into account that DHT is an anti-estrogen and blocking it while your body has supraphysiological levels of testosterone might lead to gynecomastia , so it's advisable to combine Proscar with Arimidex "

    They don't mention if you mix test w/ deca. I've read doing this will increase hairloss.

    Lets say your taking a 14wk test 500mg & deca 400mg cycle and you want to add Dutasteride (because your prone to hairloss). You also add in .5mg of Armidex and 10mg of Novadex ED and finish with clomid.

    Is taking Dutasteride on this cycle ok? Or do you cut it?

  2. #2
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i cant figure ou why blocking DHN would be bad. the less DHT-like stuff in the scalp the better, right?

  3. #3
    Epic's Avatar
    Epic is offline Junior Member
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    DHT is different than DHN, you want to block the DHT from test, but apparently not block the conversion of DHN from deca , not sure why or what the side effects are.

  4. #4
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    perhaps the DHN is much weaker than DHT so its kinda good if it fits into receptor sites cuz thats less sites he DHT can hit(kinda how nolva is a weak estrogen) so maybe thats it. Maybe proscar works better at stopping nandralone conversion than it does test. perhaps?
    thas all i can figure. maybe if you just used a sick amount of proscar it wont matter.

  5. #5
    Steele is offline Member
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    i would like a definitive list of what anabolics are safe to run with finasteride and dutasteride.

  6. #6
    Beretta726's Avatar
    Beretta726 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steele
    i would like a definitive list of what anabolics are safe to run with finasteride and dutasteride.
    same here

  7. #7
    klubhead is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2001


    Quote Originally Posted by Steele
    i would like a definitive list of what anabolics are safe to run with finasteride and dutasteride.

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