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  1. #1
    Legendp's Avatar
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    Letro for "tight sack"

    I know its for gyno mainly but its about 4 weeks after my sust cycle, and my balls r still really tight, wondering if letro would be good for this.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legendp
    I know its for gyno mainly but its about 4 weeks after my sust cycle, and my balls r still really tight, wondering if letro would be good for this.

    thanks in advance
    Maybe you need to get a load off bro What the hell do you mean by a tight sack. I must say I have never heard of this as an issue before

  3. #3
    Legendp's Avatar
    Legendp is offline New Member
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    sligtly shrunken balls and my sack was tighter after the cycle, u never heard of that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    HCG or IGF 1Lr3 bro ...letro is not the right choice for PCT ....Nolva and clomid will help you start shooting again. You need to get the size back. IGF-1 worked great for me .IT got me back after being on for 2 years ....The baby will be here any day Now! I used Both Hcg and IGf.

  5. #5
    Legendp's Avatar
    Legendp is offline New Member
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    thankd for that Lion, i already ordered letro before i posted this, so i'll prob use it for minor gyno anyway, im guesssing it will have no effect on the ball thens, I heard its also suppose to raise your natural test, but yous obviously know best, but i'll prob buy some nolva in a few weeks.
    thanks anyway

  6. #6
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    well, the letro is not really used in PCT(i suggest you research that term), but it has been done, and it may work for you. Funny thing with letro is that it will make you less horny, even though it may help the balls come reduces estrogen so efficiantly it can eliminate even the small amount needed for sex drive. Not everyone responds like this though. For me, letro killed my sex drive, but it was fine on nolva. But if you are retarded like my brother, the letro wont effect your sex drive, but the nolva will. Everyone is slighlty different.

  7. #7
    Legendp's Avatar
    Legendp is offline New Member
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    great response man, can u suggest a rough dosage guide

  8. #8
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    im honestly not sure what the PCT dose woould be as i have only read it used once for PCT, but it was by Anthony Roberts. If it was me, and my balls felt shrink rapped, i would take the max dosage(2-2.5mg) or near it for 2-3 weeks and then maybe taper off it. Remeber, letro is way strong so you have to taper or you may get estrogen rebound.(you may need another bottle) To be on the safe side i tapperd off and overlapped it with nolva at the end. I was not using it pct, but for cutting. You have to read the letro profile in the steroid profiles forum. In fact, spend the whole day in there and read every freakin profile in there. Then go into the other forums.
    If all those profiles confuse you, reread them everyday till you can remember basically how they act.

    Since it sounds like you are shut down(small balls) i would use the letro the second it arrives. You been shut down for four weeks, or you did your last shot 4 weeks ago? if your last shot was four weeks ago then actually RIGHT NOW is the proper pct time since sust acts for 4 weeks. You may still have some left floting around in your system so you may not feel the crash yet, but you may soon.
    How do you feel? have you lost size? hows your sex drive? hows your energy, mood, etc.?

  9. #9
    Legendp's Avatar
    Legendp is offline New Member
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    everythings normal cept the balls, id say its about 6 weeks after my last injection, also getting some nolvadex tablets off a friend soon too, so im gonna research like **** next few days, thanks for your help man.
    prob keep the dosage pretty light coz my gyno is very minimal anyway, almost non existant

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