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  1. #1
    twiney's Avatar
    twiney is offline Junior Member
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    Dutastride (help)

    So I just ordered two liquid Dutastride from lion.And just need to confirm how to use it for research purposes.

    Please tell me if this right,one spray in mouth is 0.5mg? it comes Dutast 30mL 0.5mg/mL

    OR do I need oral syringe to measure out?

    Any help would be great
    Last edited by twiney; 10-05-2006 at 10:51 AM.

  2. #2
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    I would use a syringe..

    If it's .5mg/mL, and 1 spray = .1mL

    Then, 1 Sprary = .05mg

    I've been running it at .05mg/day and it's great.. And I wouldn't go about .15mg/day.

  3. #3
    twiney's Avatar
    twiney is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    I would use a syringe..

    If it's .5mg/mL, and 1 spray = .1mL

    Then, 1 Sprary = .05mg

    I've been running it at .05mg/day and it's great.. And I wouldn't go about .15mg/day.

    Thank you sir,

    what syringe do you use? What measure would be .05mg of Dun on the syringe you use?

  4. #4
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    It's 1/10 of a mL (.05mg).. so If you use a slin pin, then take it to the #10 mark.

  5. #5
    diesel9 is offline New Member
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    it seems that i've read in avodart ads that .5mg is the dosage for dutasteride? I'll look it up...

  6. #6
    twiney's Avatar
    twiney is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel9
    it seems that i've read in avodart ads that .5mg is the dosage for dutasteride? I'll look it up...

    Yes you are very correct.I was very wrong.

    Thanks alot guys could not have done it without you.

    Last thing,so on slin pin to get 0.5mg I need to hit it at the 35 mark??

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by twiney
    Yes you are very correct.I was very wrong.

    Thanks alot guys could not have done it without you.

    Last thing,so on slin pin to get 0.5mg I need to hit it at the 35 mark??

    Just to clearify, isn't 1cc = 1mL ?? So if you're drawing from a slin pin, and you want .5mgs of dutasteride, then you should draw 1cc full, which means all the way full on most types of slin pins. right? let me know if im missing something.

    also if you weren't going to use a slin pin, that means you'd squirt it 10 times in your mouth? That sounds abit much to me but i don't think my math is wrong.

  8. #8
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel9
    it seems that i've read in avodart ads that .5mg is the dosage for dutasteride? I'll look it up...
    It is, but adovart is for prostate enlargement, not MPB.. Look at the studies for dutasteride for MPB, they used .125mg/day and got great results (even better than 5mg of fina). Your choice, .5mg is a lot, and your bottle will last for 30 days.

    I'm telling you I take .05mg (not .5mg), .05mg would be 1 spray. And over the last 3 months I've had my gf and her sister telling me my hair has gotten thicker and I notice it growing in..

    Just giving you advice, us bladies gotta stick together.
    Last edited by skipp; 10-05-2006 at 04:20 PM.

  9. #9
    DSM4Life's Avatar
    DSM4Life is offline Snook~ AR Lounge Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    It is, but adovart is for prostate enlargement, not MPB.. Look at the studies for dutasteride for MPB, they used .125mg/day and got great results (even better than 5mg of fina). Your choice, .5mg is a lot, and your bottle will last for 30 days.

    I'm telling you I take .05mg (not .5mg), .05mg would be 1 spray. And over the last 3 months I've had my gf and her sister telling me my hair has gotten thicker and I notice it growing in..

    Just giving you advice, us bladies gotta stick together.
    Werd. That syringe idea gets old in about a week. Like said before its .05mg each spray and .125mg is normal dosage.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    It is, but adovart is for prostate enlargement, not MPB.. Look at the studies for dutasteride for MPB, they used .125mg/day and got great results (even better than 5mg of fina). Your choice, .5mg is a lot, and your bottle will last for 30 days.

    I'm telling you I take .05mg (not .5mg), .05mg would be 1 spray. And over the last 3 months I've had my gf and her sister telling me my hair has gotten thicker and I notice it growing in..

    Very good clarification! skipp did you run the duta straight through the three months? And if so, have you seen any other sides? I ask because i've ran finasteride in the past, with good results by the way, but i noticed going into around week three and beyond, i started getting kinda tired and lathargic. I'm wondering if you've noticed anything like this with dutasteride, which is quite similar in its relationship.

    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    Just giving you advice, us bladies gotta stick together.

  11. #11
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mister.fantastic
    Very good clarification! skipp did you run the duta straight through the three months? And if so, have you seen any other sides? I ask because i've ran finasteride in the past, with good results by the way, but i noticed going into around week three and beyond, i started getting kinda tired and lathargic. I'm wondering if you've noticed anything like this with dutasteride, which is quite similar in its relationship.

    Nope didn't notice anything alone those lines.. They say side effects could be (the usual upset stomach, blah blah), but I also heard 'sensitive nipples' so it's gonna raise test which could cause gyno (ONLY if you're very prone)

    I got no sides except some nice thicker hair. And I've been running it for around 4 months and got results in ~2 months. Great stuff

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