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  1. #1
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    Exclamation will clen keep me from sporting wood?

    im sure ur all laughing, but im gonna start doing clen soon and im wondering if it will cause me ED. i used to take ephedrine back when u could buy it leagaly and it would definetly cause me ED. i realize il be taking clen i mcg. as opossed to ml. so im hoping it wont. ive read every clen log i could find and i havent seen this addressed but i thought i would ask. thank you in advance. boyd.

  2. #2
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    sorry, i meant to say mlg. not ml. in my first post.

  3. #3
    teufelhundenjwa is offline Associate Member
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    I'm currently on day 12 of my first clen cycle (thread located here: 1st Clen cycle ), which will be ending on Sunday, day 14.
    Can only speak for myself, but I have noticed no problems with the "wood" since starting.
    However I have noticed the twig and berries aren't hanging as they usually do??? I'm a grower not a shower, but definitely not hanging as low as my norm. Second observation is that the GF doesn't enjoy all the excess sweating during sex...guess she's the only one who's allowed to be wet:/
    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
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    LOL,thank you my friend, i appereciate you taking the time to give me your thoughts.

  5. #5
    tantan350 is offline Junior Member
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    I actually noticed I'm sporting wood MORE than usual when on Clen /T3...I'm only on day 4 also. If this is the case, I actually like this better as an ED med as opposed to Viagra or cialis as there is no stuffy feeling in your sinuses.

    The bad thing I don't like about Clen/T3 is I feel stuffy like allergy-wise, as if someone was cutting their lawn in the Spring...the whole 9 with the watery eyes, stuffy nose, etc. I did read people take Benadryl to help sleep- but I have no problems sleeping. It's like I need Benadryl or Zyrtec for the allergy situation. Or did the Clen/T3 just amplofy my sinuses??

    Anyways, I'm taking 0.4ml of Clen and T3 every you think that's too small of a dose??

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