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  1. #1
    Mutation's Avatar
    Mutation is offline Junior Member
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    My review on Lion's products!

    Hey guys, so over the years I have ordered from Lion many times (along with various other companies)...ever since his banner first went up on the boards. These are my reviews on how well his products worked for me, and several people that I know personally.

    Clomid: Decent (used years ago) - Used it for pct a couple times. The only thing I didn't like about it was the dosage...35mg/ml. You had to go through a ton of it.

    Tamoxifen: Decent (used years ago) - Tomoxifen is tamoxifen . I think the pharmeceutical grade tabs work a little better, but the stuff still does it's job.

    Clen: Good (continual use throughout the years) - Seems to be the same throughout the years. Always does the trick.

    Cialis: Crappy (recent) - I tried this recently, and got nothing out of it at all. Even after taking in 20 sprays (70mg). Friends felt the same way. The 20mg tabs from pharmacy runs circles around this stuff.

    Letro: Decent (used years ago, and recently) - Used it years ago with great results, and used it again recently. It doesn't seem to be as strong now, as it used to I just use a little more.

    Ketotifen: Good (recent) - This stuff knocks me out cold.

    I am comparing these to pharmeceutical grade versions that I have used.

    The products from research chem companies don't seem to be as strong these days, and I think people need to start writing more reviews.
    Last edited by Mutation; 05-15-2008 at 09:13 PM. Reason: added

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    good imput

    i agree that people need to review the products they use. quality is always a concern

  3. #3
    Mutation's Avatar
    Mutation is offline Junior Member
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    Alot of members throughout different boards believe that liquid research chems are "watered down". I believe this to a degree, and from personal experiance pharm grade will always be better. The issue at hand here is that the liquid chems are so easy to obtain.

  4. #4
    ili is offline New Member
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    I tried the cia & tamox from arr,and they worked great for me,the cia I actually preferred over the prescribed pill,so no complaints on those products for me.

  5. #5
    Dobie-BOY's Avatar
    Dobie-BOY is offline Senior Member
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    I sometimes wonder how consistent the research chems are .

  6. #6
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    I have used the cialis before and I thought it worked great. I also think the clomid/tamox combo works very well.

  7. #7
    HAVOKGT is offline Junior Member
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    ive also used the cialis, tamox, clomid from arr and all have been great products.... no complains at all.

  8. #8
    taylor26's Avatar
    taylor26 is offline Member
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    I have used most of their chems and the PCT chems are quality.

  9. #9
    spymoney15 is offline New Member
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    I have used the clen and cialis, as well as the pct chems nolva and clomid, all have worked well. They seem very trustworthy.

  10. #10
    Anaholic's Avatar
    Anaholic is offline Associate Member
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    I would have to say clen = very good Definitely the best weight loss chem out there.

  11. #11
    toobigforyou's Avatar
    toobigforyou is offline Associate Member
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    I have used the PCT chems many times and they have always worked. Used the Cialis and it was great. I think all their research chems are legit. As long as you take the proper dosage and are serious, they will work just fine.

  12. #12
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    I have never had any problems with the quality of Lions chems. They all seem top notch.

  13. #13
    Edgar's Avatar
    Edgar is offline Associate Member
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    ve jay jay land
    your body developes a tolerence to all drugs, if you test it and it's at the same mg per ml as in the previous years than the problem is your body not the chem, the only way to know is to test it.

  14. #14
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    lion is pretty good but getting expensive , he should drop prices to keep up with with his competing friends

  15. #15
    Mutation's Avatar
    Mutation is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    your body developes a tolerence to all drugs, if you test it and it's at the same mg per ml as in the previous years than the problem is your body not the chem, the only way to know is to test it.
    Or you could simply compare the research chems to pharmeceutical grade version. Lion's Cialis was junk. If I had built up a tollerance, then why did the prescription Cialis at the same dose work wonders?

  16. #16
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    your body doesnot develope a tolerance to all drugs

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