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  1. #1
    kidbare is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    seward, pa

    ''alternative'' roids

    hello this is Bare,

    i am a first timer here. i have been lifting for 20 + years and have a Health and PE degree. ( doesn't qualify me for any merits.... just saying ) i would like to know if there is some sort of ''legal'' roids out there that really do work. i currently spend about 50-60 bucks per month in supps, that may or may not work. ( no-explode, syntha 6, tribulus, creatine.... which i do believe works. ) anyway, i read about these so called legal roids that supposedly work, but of course they are trying to sell their products. i wanted to ask some real people for some advice to help me to a new level after all these years. of course most lifters would like more muscle and less fat, so that is my goal as well. any help would be greatly appreciated !! : )


  2. #2
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    I think you are referring to pro hormones. I have never liked them myself but i have heard there are some good ones out there. You still need to run a pct with these phs

  3. #3
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    There are alot of pro hormone out there so be careful when choosing them because I think the "legal roids" you are talking about are garbage. I personally havent had the greatest luck with them however some people tend to react to them much better... Agree with Noles12 you do need a PCT of some form

  4. #4
    Cam09 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    By the way when shopping around for these always try to read legitimate reviews or when you find one you might want to take post a link up here and some of the members can check it out

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