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  1. #1
    Jiraiya is offline New Member
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    Lions Clen! Lions T3! Lions Cialis! My Take

    Hi all,

    I know forums are great sounding boards for negative feedback, but I want to take the time to give my honest opinion and experience with Lions products.

    I have ordered Lions Clen twice. The first time was about 4 months ago and the second time was 15 days ago. Both times the Clen(orange/peach colored) worked just as expected, basically just like "Perfect Beasts" clen FAQ described it would. I was new to Clen so I did quite a bit of research so I would be aware of the effects both positive and negative. I left my most recent Clen in my car in the sun and it turned clear and was HOT. I was afraid it may have been ruined but it still worked as good as when it was orange/peach colored. I am halfway through the bottle and it is still effective. I have been running it at about 80mcg, and that has been effective. I also run about 20 mcg in the evening because I enjoy the very REAL and vivid dreams I get using it. I also feel invigorated in the mornings doing this.

    I ordered T3 from Lion as I had been on a calorie restricted diet and was about to go off of it as my temperature was low at about 96.5F or so. Before I went off the calorie restriction, I used the T3 for about a week to see if it worked. I started at 25mcg and noticed it almost immediately and my temperature went up to 97F. By the end of the week at 75mcg I was steady at 97.5F . I stopped using the T3 after 2 weeks because I was disappearing in a bad way even though I ate 2,200 calories a day, and my strength went down by 50% and my muscles were soft and weak. I could not get a good pump either. I am sure this stuff was legit as I experienced all the negative side effects I hoped not to. The T3 came to me within 3 days.

    As to the Cialis, I ordered this twice. One I ordered about 3 months ago and was baby blue and the other one was dark blue/purple which I received about 3 weeks ago. They both were very effective and I can usually take 25mcg and it would be effective for up to 3 days. I am addicted to this stuff and my girlfriend has not figured out I am on it. She thinks I am on a new Dirk Diggler diet and workout plan. I love the extra sensation it provides. Both Cialis orders arrived withing 3 days.

    The only negative experience which I addressed on this board when it happened was the first Clen order was also my first order with Lion and there was a shipping snaffu where his process said shipped but it did not so it took two weeks to deliver. Once notified Lion took care of it and I received it in two days.

    I was leary at first about Lions stuff and service, but I would like to say THANK YOU Lion for having this stuff available to me. It sounds corny, but it has changed my life in significant and positive ways.

  2. #2
    amnj86 is offline New Member
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    I have ordered form AR-R two days ago but still haven't got any usps tracking number, is that normal ? did it take that long in your case ?

  3. #3
    ace001's Avatar
    ace001 is offline Junior Member
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    I just placed an order with Lion last week and received today. I never even checked for a tracking number.

  4. #4
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Same here I never checked for a tracking number either. Stuff has always showed up in about 5 days.

  5. #5
    Jiraiya is offline New Member
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    Lion rarely provides the USPS tracking number unless requested by e-mail. I often get my stuff sent to me when his order process still says pending or shipped but pending. It is all confusing and Lion would benefit from just not having those innacurrate and therefore useless shipping stats up. I know the last communication, Lion was working on upgrading his system. In any case like most of these guys responding, just order and Lion will come through. That being said, if you have not seen anything in 5 to 7 days, I would contact lion via email and he will always fix any snafu that may have occured.

  6. #6
    jaycutlersinsulin is offline New Member
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    I waited 5 days then emailed him for a tracking number which was provided in the hour...then it showed up the next day. w00t

  7. #7
    Obwhill2026's Avatar
    Obwhill2026 is offline New Member
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    Gotta back this up...i emailed lion next day and got a tracking # within the hour.

    Im at 3 days after order date ao cant wait to finally decide if im pro or ant ar-r .

    Im in cali so im hoping itll arrive in about the 5 days other people are saying.

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