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Thread: Clen & T3

  1. #1
    STnewbie is offline New Member
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    Clen & T3

    I ordered Lion's Clen & T3 combo. If the delivery went out when it said, then I should be receiving it today.

    I was a bit skeptical with the mixed reviews on this board, but I thought I would give it one try. I've never used Clen before, but I can pretty much take ephedrine HCL 25 mg and go to sleep.

    Would those that have used good clen before tell me how much stronger it feels in comparison to Ephedrine (a nice short lasting Beta 2 antagonist as compared to the long acting Clen).

    It takes quite a strong stimulant to make me shaky.

    In any case, supposing this is a good batch, is there any way to maintain beta 2 receptors? I read somewhere about taking benadryl / nyquil at night in order to help restore levels, but still need to cycle every 2 weeks or so.

    Any info would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    STnewbie is offline New Member
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    Ok, I just got it in today, but after I had already taken my morning ECA (sans aspirn). In any case, just to feel out how Clen would affect me, I only used 20mcg.

    I can say there is definitely something to this stuff.

    Immediately, well, almost immediately, I felt more awake and aware, and my heart rate increased. Have to admit, it upset my stomach a little bit, but it definitely feels like strong ephedrine to me. I would say this stuff is legit.

  3. #3
    STnewbie is offline New Member
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    Ok, I increased 20mcg a day until today, I am at 80mcg. I didn't exactly feel anything at first. So, I started to wonder if caffeine would help. (ya know, using Caffeine to slow the cAMP breakdown and inhibit adenosine receptors) Well, I have to say, I have a good moderate jittery and shakiness now. Lets see how long it can last through the day.

  4. #4
    STnewbie is offline New Member
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    8 Hours after taking the 80mcg The slight tremble in my hand when doing precision things like typing, etc.. is slowly wearing off. Ephedrine never lasted this long. I will have to go with a vote that this is, indeed, genuine.

    I've approached this like an experiment and it has passed my qualifications.

  5. #5
    Jacked RN is offline New Member
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    Nice to hear, thanks for posting the info.

    Im expecting mine tomorrow, and as someone who can also take Ephedrine and go to sleep, Im hoping this stuf has a kick!

  6. #6
    rogue01 is offline Associate Member
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    What kind of results are you seeing? Any change in BF?

  7. #7
    jaycutlersinsulin is offline New Member
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    yes please post some results...I want to have an idea on what to expect!

  8. #8
    got fina?'s Avatar
    got fina? is offline Member
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    Wel im on the clen as we speek. Been taking it with the same diet that i was currently on.
    I must say that i have to start eating more because i think im loosing weight to fast.

    I have done the eca stack in the past, and the clen i ordered from lion blows the eca stack out of the box.

    Im on my last day of my 2 weeks, and will soon jump off and wait 2 weeks before jumping back on.

    Im taking 80mcgs a day, first thing in the morning and have lost about 7lbs so far in the 10 days ive been on.
    I feel like im getting a bit weaker though, so im gonna try to up my calories intake..

    This stuff is good and i recommend it to anyone thinking about buying it.

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