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  1. #1
    Regulator77's Avatar
    Regulator77 is offline Junior Member
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    Anastrozole vs. Aromasin and Tamoxifen vs. Letrozole

    I would like some feedback on what the research results have been on some of the AI's and SERMs from ar-r . Between Aromasin and anastrozole, which controlled s/s better? Between tamoxifen and letrozole , which controlled s/s (signs and symptoms) better? Most sites say anastrozole is better than aromasin in controlled studies, and that tamoxifin has shown better results than letrozole. What has your research found?

  2. #2
    joe293's Avatar
    joe293 is offline Junior Member
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    Bump for any response to this. I use to use Adex every third day but it's just too damn strong. Leaning towards Aromasin on my next heavy cycle at 25mg EOD? Is Letrozole any better? This cycle will be leading into a show so conditioning will be a must in the end.

  3. #3
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe293 View Post
    Bump for any response to this. I use to use Adex every third day but it's just too damn strong. Leaning towards Aromasin on my next heavy cycle at 25mg EOD? Is Letrozole any better? This cycle will be leading into a show so conditioning will be a must in the end.
    i never have used arr ai but if adex was to strong for you,aromasin is stronger than adex and letro is the strongest of the 3.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Thats why I like exemestane the most, perfect for pre and during cycle to keep water weight and gyno down. Letro is great for gyno but it is very strong.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Arimidex - For me I don`t seem to respond well to it and I just don`t like it

    Aromasin - Works very well for me good as preventitive ancillary while on heavy cycles

    Letro-Overkill in most situations, I have used it on cycle a couple of times but breaking 2.5mg pills into 8 is a pain though incredibly effective at very low doses for crushing estrogen which is only good if you have bad estro sides. King of Gyno reversal(I have never had bad gyno but enough of a lump to make me do something 2.5mg murdered that gyno in a week)

    Nolvadex - I actually don`t mind it on cycle at all I used to think it was terrible on cycle but it is not bad when you just need something fast, also some gyno reversal ability.

  6. #6
    teddykgb29 is offline Associate Member
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    agreed hat exemestane works best for me, letro is overkill unless you have gyno, then its exactly what you want. But hopefully using exemestane during your cycle will help to prevent any gyno from happening.

  7. #7
    Regulator77's Avatar
    Regulator77 is offline Junior Member
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    Great feedback. Thank you. I will post my results when I finally start.

  8. #8
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    Very good feedback on AI's. I also prefer using exemestane, and would only use letro when absolutely necessary.

  9. #9
    thane222 is offline Associate Member
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    another vote for exemestane

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