Adding in Clen to Cycle


I am currently in my 4th week of a 500/wk test e cycle. Did dbol for the first 4 weeks a 20mg a day, gained about 10 lbs (mostly water i know)


13% BF

Was thinking about adding clen to the cycle to help with cutting down on bodyfat. I do about 25 minutes of cardio after my workouts about 3-4 times a week. I also have enough keto on hand to help with the receptor refreshing. Can i run the clen for the next 4-6 weeks or should i wait until pct or can i run it on cycle for a few weeks and take 2 -3 weeks off then go for another 4 while on pct? My wife took it and had good results runnin it for 6 weeks with keto. IS there a need to taper off of it? I had her taper down the same way she came up when she took it but didnt know if thats necessary.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.