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Thread: Started Clen

  1. #1
    _bbig_ is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010

    Started Clen

    Hey guys, hope all is well and everyone is kickin ass in the gym!
    I just started Clen and I have a couple questions.
    I found the shakes and headaches to be a bit much, so I started taking the Clen at night (first night last night, the last 2 days were in the AM after sleeping) and it seemed to work pretty well. I had a headache when I woke up, but I took some advil and it was fine.
    My question is...when the 2 week mark comes around, can I take the Keto and the Clen at night before bed? Or will one cancel out the other, or will there be any sort of interaction? Just wanna check before I do it, in case something crazy could happen.
    Also..anyone feel super giggly and pretty good when taking Clen? This stuff has me laughing at everying!

  2. #2
    sellersis's Avatar
    sellersis is offline Junior Member
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    Yep, the girl that works at the gym thought I was on drugs...... I was giddy as a school girl. Felt like an idiot.

  3. #3
    ZoomyR6 is offline Junior Member
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    I dont know why you would want to take clen before bed. It's going to keep you up, even if you take the keto right after.
    Just take the keto before bed and the clen when you wake up

    Quote Originally Posted by _bbig_ View Post
    Also..anyone feel super giggly and pretty good when taking Clen? This stuff has me laughing at everying!
    Actually, I did here lion was putting some magic mushroom residue in it...

  4. #4
    sanman's Avatar
    sanman is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by _bbig_ View Post
    Hey guys, hope all is well and everyone is kickin ass in the gym!
    I just started Clen and I have a couple questions.
    I found the shakes and headaches to be a bit much, so I started taking the Clen at night (first night last night, the last 2 days were in the AM after sleeping) and it seemed to work pretty well. I had a headache when I woke up, but I took some advil and it was fine.
    My question is...when the 2 week mark comes around, can I take the Keto and the Clen at night before bed? Or will one cancel out the other, or will there be any sort of interaction? Just wanna check before I do it, in case something crazy could happen.
    Also..anyone feel super giggly and pretty good when taking Clen? This stuff has me laughing at everying!
    There are lots of threads on clen.Before I started my clen it took me days of reading up on it before I knew what dosage & what else to take with it.Are you using arr-r clen???

  5. #5
    sanman's Avatar
    sanman is offline Associate Member
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    Wish my clen was doing what its doing to you .Up to 180mcgs & still nothing!!!!!!!

  6. #6
    _bbig_ is offline New Member
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    Of course I got it from ARR, they are the best and I figured I'd give them a shot since I read about all the great things!
    I have thoroughly read and researched the Clen , and taking it at night does not cause me any problems at all, I slept for a full 8 hours last night after taking it with no interrupted sleep or anything. So, again, my actual question is can I take the Keto and the Clen together at night?
    Thanks for answering.

  7. #7
    Walnutz's Avatar
    Walnutz is offline Member
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    Yes you can take keto and clen together.

  8. #8
    thane222 is offline Associate Member
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    keto and clen work great together, will definitely help you get to sleep at night.

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