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Thread: Clen Results

  1. #1
    sellersis's Avatar
    sellersis is offline Junior Member
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    Clen Results

    Alright peeps, I wanted to post my results with Clen .

    1- 20mcg Sat 3/27 *235lbs Cardio & Abs
    2- 20mcg Sun 3/28 Cardio & Weight Train
    3- 50mcg Mon 3/29 Cardio & Abs
    4- 100mcg Tues 3/30 Cardio & Weight Train
    5- 100mcg wed 3/31 Cardio & Abs
    6- 120mcg Thurs 4/1Cardio & Weight train
    7- 120mcg Fri 4/2 *228lbs Off day
    8- 120mcg Sat 4/3 *ate unhealthy, ie anniversary/easter- Off
    9- 120mcg Sun 4/4 Cardio & Weight Train
    10- 140mcg Mon 4/5 Cardio & Abs
    11- 140mcg Tues 4/6 Cardio & Weight Train
    12- 160mcg Wed 4/7 Cardio & Abs
    13- 180mcg Thurs 4/8 Off
    14- 180mcg Fri 4/9 Will do cardio in the PM. 225lbs

    Cardio consisted of 5-10 min before workout then 20-30 after workout. On cardio only days I would do anywhere from 30-45 minutes split between bike and treadmill. I ate fairly well, could have done alot better. Had two days in a row where I cheated majorly. Easter and Wedding Anniversary. What can ya do?

    In December 2009 I started excercising and working out. I started at 257lbs. Leveled out at 235ish. Started the clen and dropped to 225lbs.

    I will more than likely run some keto or benadryl so I can continue the Clen for a few more weeks. Would like to get a bf estimate. If I had to guess I'd say around 20%

  2. #2
    Walnutz's Avatar
    Walnutz is offline Member
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    Great sellersis, keep the updates comin'

  3. #3
    sanman's Avatar
    sanman is offline Associate Member
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    Great job!! Keep us updated. I started clen 2wks ago been eating clean & lots of cardio of course a cheat day thrown in there not counting tonight got a party.Lol Def see a diffrence around my stomach area!!!!Starting keto today so clen could be used longer.

  4. #4
    sellersis's Avatar
    sellersis is offline Junior Member
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    South Carolina
    Started the 5x5 lifting program today. If you haven't heard of it google it, its great! I like the workout because it targets most muscle groups in one simple workout. There are two plans that you can alternate between. Each week or however often you feel like it you can increase weight. You do the workout 3 times a week, takes about 40-45 min. Still do my cardio like always. After the workout today I could tell that I havent lifting often or hard enough. will continue this program for a while to gain strength and cut bodyfat while tweaking my diet. Details will come. Guess I need to move this to the results forum.

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