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  1. #1
    Sfla80's Avatar
    Sfla80 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Aug 2009

    Another t3/clen/keto ??

    Ok i know theres been alot, because i have read alot of them already but cant find these answers that i need.

    Ok im already on day 8 of cycle of clen , and i love it so far. I am up to 120mcg right now. Might do 140 mcg tomorrow and see where it goes.

    But i just ordered this combo so i can run the clen longer and t3 to kick in some more fat burning.

    I know you dose t3 the same way as you would clen right? 20,40,60...etc
    Keto is 1ml a day before bed. But i am curious should i drop the clen dose to 80-100mcg if i am throughing in the t3 with it??

    The other question is, once im at the peak of the doses, how long do you stay that high for? I plan on running 5-6wks. Do i run the 120mcg the full cycle?

  2. #2
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2009
    For the t3, I would go up to 100mcg. You can do more but I like 100mcg.

    No need to drop the clen dosage. Stay at your peak dosage until you are done with the cycle.

  3. #3
    sanman's Avatar
    sanman is offline Associate Member
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    May 2003
    new york
    Just anwsered my question!!!!!

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